Clutter is the enemy of positive feng shui energy. So, spring cleaning is the perfect time to reduce the level of clutter in your home and increase the level of positive feng shui energy at the same time. It is important to remember that clutter that cannot be seen is thought to be just as detrimental as clutter in full view. This is why it's equally important to clean out closets and cabinets when you are doing your spring cleaning.

Reasons to Clear Clutter
Clutter is detrimental for many reasons. One of the most important feng shui principles is to create a good flow of positive energy throughout the home. When your home is cluttered, this can cause the energy flow to stagnate, impeding its path throughout your home. When this happens, there can be a sense of confusion and stress in the home. It can often be difficult to make decisions when surrounded by clutter.

Walking around each room, as well as from room to room ,can be a good way of testing the energy flow within your home. If you can walk easily around your home, then you know that the energy can flow freely as well. But, if you cannot walk around your home without it feeling like an obstacle course, you can take that as a sign that you are also impeding the flow of energy within your home. Picture a river flowing through your house. Any area that would cause water to back up should be cleared. The entryway to your home, kitchen and bedroom are three areas that should never be cluttered under any circumstances. These areas are very important in regards to the energy within your home, so you should strive to maximize them.

Clutter-Busting Tips
When you start to clear the clutter in your home, keep several things in mind in order to insure you are working within the guidelines of feng shui. First, you should remove anything from your home that isn't being used, even if it is being stored in a cabinet, basement, garage or storage barn. Objects that bring a great deal of joy into your life, whether they are functional or simply decorative objects, are the one exception to this rule. Even so, you should strive to find a designated location for these objects. You can donate anything you don't need to charity.

Once you clear all of the unnecessary objects from your home, you can concentrate on the things you really use. Seasonal items should be neatly stored during the off season. Open shelving is often preferred to cabinets, to enhance the flow of energy throughout the home. You should also discard any outdated food supplies from your cabinets, drawers, refrigerator and freezer. Items that you use every day should be conveniently located, but should always be stored neatly in their designated area. Pay special attention to your home's entryway, since it's important to create a good flow of incoming positive energy.

Once you have your home cleaned, keep it that way by always putting items back in their designated spot immediately after you finish using them. If you do this, your home will be a haven for positive energy.

Author's Bio: 

Online contributing editor for, Jessica Ackerman has extensive design experience, using tropical fish wall decorations and wall decor store.