Don't make this harder than it is! You must have a way to keep in contact with your list. You simply must. There is no two ways about it. Don't over think it and then decide it's too hard so you don't do anything.
You cannot have an on-line business without a consistent way to keep in touch with your list.
Once you have a list of 15-25 people, you really need to be keeping in contact with them. When your list is smaller than this a regular email through your email is probably fine, but don't do that for too long. It does not come across as professional. You will need to use an email delivery system such as Aweber, 1sc or Constant Contact.
Let's take a look at what you could include in your ezine:
- A personal note from you
- An article (400-800 words)
- Quick tips
- Helpful resources you recommend
- Upcoming events or teleclasses you have
- New products or services you are offering
Keep in mind that when you are clear about your niche, clear about your target audience and your Ideal Client you will also be clear about what they want/need from you in your ezine.
When you have your template for your ezine created try to have it designed so you can switch around components to keep it fresh.
Here are some ideas of what you might include every so often, if you don't want it to be a regular part of your ezine:
- Excerpts from your blog
- Frequently asked questions from people on your list and your answers
- Testimonials from clients
- Coaching style "inquiry" questions
- Inspirational quotes
- Book review
As you can see the sky is the limit! You can add video, audio and more pictures. People like visual. Speaking of this, please do your ezine in html. If you only do your ezine in text you can never get the colors and designs that are attractive to people. Text is fine and often preferable in regular emails to your list but for your ezine I strongly suggest you use html.
An ongoing, consistent ezine will increase your visibility and your credibility. It will position you as a trusted expert.
It is your link to clients of the past and as well as current and future clients.
Your ezine reinforces your branding and your unique message as well as allowing you a space to promote your programs and services.
Yes, it is a commitment. But if you are reading this it's because you have already made the commitment to build a successful on-line business, your ezine is just one piece of this commitment.
Do you have the Moxie it takes to start and sustain a thriving coaching business? Find out at Kim Kirmmse Toth transitioned from 23 years as Licensed Clinical Social Worker to building a high 5 to 6 figure coaching business while enjoying her free time doing the things she loves. If you are a savvy woman (or even gentleman) and a heart-centered solopreneur who wishes to grow an exceptional, heart based on-line business, let Kim show you the way at
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