Android is free and an open platform built on Linux. It is also an open source solution for mobile devices offering a complete software stack including operating system, middleware and key mobile applications. User acceptance to Android was very low when it was launched in 2007, as it was still in its early development cycle. But after Google’s acquisition and development efforts, visibility for Android mobile technology grew.

Low Investment and High ROI

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Android similarly has a low boundary to section. Android gives uninhibitedly its Software Development Kit (SDK) to the designer group which limits the development and permitting costs. The development expenses can be separated into three phases: Stage#1 – application development, Stage#2 – testing, and Stage#3 – equipment taken a toll for testing and conveying the android portable application.

Open Source

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Get the open source advantage from permitting, eminence free, and the best innovation system offered by the Android people group. The design of the Android SDK is open-source which implies you can really cooperate with the group for the forthcoming extensions of android versatile application development. This is the thing that makes the Android stage exceptionally appealing for handset producers and remote administrators, which brings about a speedier development of Android based telephones, and better open doors for designers to acquire more. That is the enchantment of Android.

Simple to Integrate

Is it accurate to say that you are searching for complex specialized customization and joining of a web application or only a cell phone application you as of now have? Yes. At that point an android app can be the correct answer for you. The whole stage is prepared for customization. You can incorporate and change the portable app as per your business require. Android is the best portable stage between the application and procedures design. The vast majority of the stages permit foundation forms helping you to incorporate the apps.

Various Sales Channels

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Not at all like other versatile stages, App Development can be sent in various ways. You don't need to depend on a solitary market to convey your applications. You can utilize outsider application commercial center (particularly in Google Android Market), however you can likewise frame your own appropriation and deals channel: applications for vertical markets, to grow new application stores, and furthermore put it on your site. You construct it, you distribute it. With your decision of special system, you can achieve your end clients through different channels.

Simple Adoption

Android applications are scripted in Java dialect with the assistance of a rich arrangement of libraries. Anybody can construct Android applications with the learning of Java. As indicated by a current overview, a considerable measure of Java software engineers think that its simple to receive and script code for versatile applications in the Android OS. It is presently exceptionally useful for Java engineers to move the code script into a versatile application, and can likewise execute android application development benefits in the app.

Author's Bio: 

James thomas is a content marketing professional at HubSpot.He graduated with honors from Columbia University with a dual degree in Business Administration and Creative Writing.