
So, here I was again, doing some self-talk with myself for the past three centuries. Why don't I exercise?. Why don't I exercise? This thought has been slowly killing me but somehow I just end up fancying the thought rather than actually acting on it. I accept that in the past I have had half-hearted though successful attempts at exercising, even tried exercise at home, they don't seem to last. who am I fooling?
Although, my body needs exercising, going to the gym is something that I cannot muster the will for. I just don't feel like it. It's like I need an initial energy to gain more energy, this initial energy that I don't have. I want to be toned and ripped. I want to look like them. I want to feel like them. Clearly, it is not going to come to me. I have to earn it So here is what I did. After a lot of thinking I convinced myself to settle down for the golden middle. Somewhere between sitting idle and working out in the gym. I searched the internet a little bit and came across this website that provides a guide for exercise at home. I tried and the results are brilliant. Although not as effective as a gym with a gym trainer, I seem to be enjoying it and I am self-assured that I will be doing them for long period of time which is what I really want. Today, !would like to share what I read and am applying as a part of my daily routine.

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Exercise at home - to do list :

The simplest thing to understand in exercise at home is that an individual should look out for a full body workout. As there is no equipment involved, concentrating on a specific part of one's body is not going to yield convincing results. Take a look at this simple workout.


This exercise is a simple but a core exercise that on a primary basis strengthens and helps increase the size of your legs.


This exercise is the most basic exercise for your abdominal muscles.


Very effective for your chest, shoulder and tricep muscles.

Running Plank

An awesome exercise to strengthen your core muscles which are abs, hips and the lower back.


The ultimate one-stop full body exercise that works on your arms, chest, quads, glutes, hamstrings, and abs.


Back Extension

Non-tedious exercise to get a ripped back.
Do these six exercises for six days a week and I can assure you that within no time you would be able to get a leaner, stronger and more muscular physique. It is always advisable to start with the leg exercises first and then work upward. Each exercise should be done for a duration of 30 secs followed by a break of 10 seconds before the next exercise. Do es many repetitions as possible.
Exercising as a way of life
Even if one keeps the worldly benefits of exercising secondary, like becoming attracting for the opposite sex or becoming more popular, the primary benefits of exercising are such that you will feel very good about yourself. Your immunity will boost, you will feel stronger and have a surge of body energy which is required in the sort of world that we live in. Perhaps, this guide for exercises to do at home will act as a strong foundation for a lifetime of dedication and love towards getting that body you always craved for and becoming the best version of your own self.

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Author's Bio: 

Fitness and Wellness

Fitness and Wellness was established to emphasize the importance of health, fitness and wellness. Ever noticed that when you’re exercising, eating better and living a well-rounded life, you’re also much happier and successful? Well, that’s what we are aiming at, to make people aware of their well being.

If you are fitness freak, looking for tips to improve your overall health and fitness then we can help you. In addition to smart content with relevant photos for better understanding, we’ll provide you actionable tips for your overall benefit.

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