When you have to make the decision to put your dog to sleep, it can be a very traumatic decision. No one wants to make that call, but there are times when pet owners must make the decision.

Only you, as the owner of a pet, will know when it is time to euthanize your pet. Each animal will be different, but keep in mind that when your pet cannot perform the daily routines of eating, sleeping, and going to the bathroom, it may be time to make the call.

When your pet can not live a normal life, it may be time to make the call.

It is a difficult decision to make, but making your pet live for their own desires to prolong life is cruel.

When you have made the decision to sacrifice your dog, you may want to consider euthanasia at home, where you will have a veterinarian come to your house to put your dog to sleep.

With the sadness
In some cases, the other animals in the home may look for the deceased pet not to understand where it has gone, which can lead to depression, loss of appetite symptoms and lethargy.

Home can make the last moments of a peaceful and calm dog, instead of stress and anxiety.

In euthanasia Home
The main problem is that not all veterinarians at home. Check with your veterinarian to see if he will be able to get you home, if he does not do home visits, your veterinarian may be able to make suggestions regarding veterinarians in your area who can.

When you euthanize your dog, you do not have to be in the room when the procedure occurs. Do not feel obligated to sit there. If you have to leave, do it. Consider not allowing younger children to witness the procedure. If you decide to stay during the procedure, but feel your emotions to get to you, consider walking so that your pet does not bother to see, the animals feel and perceive their emotions.

What will he do?
During the process, your dog can make noises, muscle spasms, experience seems to gasp for air, as well as void your bowels and bladder. These are normal reactions, and it does not mean that your pet is in pain or suffering.

Before the procedure, your veterinarian can choose to give your dog a sedative that will help calm nerves and help them relax their pet.

Then the euthanasia solution is injected through a vein, so that it disperses throughout the body. Your pet does not feel any pain.

It will be unconscious and breathing will slow down and stop in the following seconds. Cardiac arrest will continue, and then death. The process will take less than a minute after the medication is administered euthanasia.

You do not have to look at the process if it is beyond your comfort. We must keep in mind that your pet does not feel pain during the procedure. It is a very quiet process.

Author's Bio: 

Hasan Root, a dream lover