Congratulations, Fellow Child of God. You’ve just taken the first step to entering the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. This Kingdom ("The New Heaven and New Earth")is available through the union of your heart, mind, and soul. This journey begins with the understanding beyond the common limits of religion, into the heart of spirituality. This is a message of Peace, Sustainability, Brotherhood and Sisterhood.

Many of you have heard of Armageddon, the Rapture, and The End Times from biblical prophecy! But, do you know the true meaning of Apocalypse? The word Apocalypse is Greek for “ lifting of the veil.” The Apocalypse is all about lifting the veil of an ego-based perception from the illusion of separation, greed, corruption, fear, guilt, shame, dis-ease, lack, control and domination.

"...And all of us have had the veil re-moved so we can be like mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of God. As the Spirit of God works within us, we become more and more like God and reflect God's Glory even more." 2Corinthians 3:18(NLT)

Now Is the time for this to make sense? The major battle prophecy talks about is the battle between ego and Spirit, the battle for holding on to these old ideas of fear,control, and separation. This battle is occurring on a planetary level, as well as a personal level. We are surrendering the old ideas that no longer serve us and challenging all systematic and systemic concepts that have been developed to divide and conquer.

Large numbers of us (children of God) are experiencing emotional upheaval, as the heavenly call sounds, to purge the past of old thoughts of limit and discomfort. As love comes bubbling to the surface it will push out the old fear-based paradigms. This is one reason why we're presently witnessing and experiencing so much discomfort/discord on the planet. The old systems, and those who have invested so completely in them, are clinging to control.

The good news is this: all of this is in preparation for the Golden Age of Peace. We are purging the past to make ready the new ideas of peace, comfort, and understanding, from a new partnership with Christ Jesus and the Heavenly Realm.

You may ask, “Why is this happening now?” The reason is simple: We have reached critical mass in recognizing that we must either grow spiritually (evolve) or face extinction. Given this choice, we choose "Conscious Evolution" ~ a book by Barbara Marx Hubbard. Through our connection with Christ, and other leaders in the field of "Conscious Evolution," we are convinced that now is the time of realignment with the Heavenly Realm.

All of this indicates and provides a time when we humans will realize our inherent connection to God, Creator of all life on our planet. We understand that cooperation/partnership must exist with All our brothers and sisters, in communities, our nations, and everywhere on the planet.

We embrace the concepts of partnership with the animal and plant kingdoms as well. We understand that it is our natural environment that provides us with the gifts of our Heavenly Creator. A healthy foundation begins with clean water, air, and nourishment, such as organic foods, raw fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts...etc. from pure soil.

As the caretakers of the New Earth, we Baby Boomers, Cultural Creatives and Millennials are returning our focus to the honoring of Nature. We know to reduce our dependence on chemicals and man-made concoctions such as big business farming, genetically modified foods, and chemical cleaning products. These deprive our children, us, and our entire planet of the health and well-being that God first intended.

Author's Bio: 

Tony "Iron Eagle" Tucker and Sandra "Silver Eagle" McClure are Spiritual Luminaries living in the Kingdom of Heaven within Us! They have Healed from a host of personal maladies including: Multiple severe Traumatic Brain Injuries, Adult Bi-Polar Disorder diagnosis, Broken neck,back,shoulder,elbow and hand, 7 knee surgeries, 3 torn rotator cuffs, herpes, candida and Reactive Attachment Disorder in adopted son. They are here to assist everyone in understanding The Kingdom of Heaven is within Us All, Unite the Human Race in a Celebration of Divine Love(The Beloved Community), and prepare us All for The Golden Age of Peace! 970-231-6729