Empowerment means the power of choice. Empowerment is about courage. It is the belief that we are in control of our experience. Empowerment is not about labeling good or bad, but about actively choosing what makes us happy in each and every moment. The journey to empowerment and great health is not linear and there is no quick fix. The journey is cyclical. There is a progression. We make a commitment, we make progress, we overcome new challenges, and we repeat. Each time, we move inch by inch to a better and better life. Our purpose is to experience the good, the bad and the ugly. Each challenge is an opportunity to go deeper. Challenges are not setbacks but new lessons to help us expand and grow.

After years of my own physical and emotional health issues, I finally found relief through a mystical trip to Peru, but Shamanism was not the answer to a joyful healthy life. The answer is that I – You – We all have great health available to us right now. We have the power to uncover and embrace this health – mentally, physically, and emotionally. To uncover our health, we first need to accept that we are not broken. Yes, we may not be feeling our best, but we are not broken, diseased, or a victim of circumstances.

So much of our culture is focused on disease – having it, preventing it, suffering from it. Because of this, we see ourselves as broken, imperfect, and hopeless. In fact, we are not broken or hopeless. We are simply out of alignment. Beliefs, thoughts, perspectives, and actions are blocking us from our perfect health. The process of healing is to rediscover our health. Health is about making choice after choice to get us closer to alignment and what truly makes us feel good.

I am a recovering Type-A and am passionate about helping others release their stress, uncover perfect health, and embrace a more joyful life. We are all survivors in one way or another. Through our survival we are given tools to help, support, and comfort others. When we know we are not alone, it gives us the courage to make changes in our life. We all have a powerful message. Through our stories we empower.

Listen to this engaging episode to learn the impetus of The Empowerment Show and Melissa’s mission to help empower individuals to empower themselves and others. Big thanks to Jennifer Welker as she takes the guest host role so I can take the hot seat and share more of my journey and beliefs.

Listen to the full episode here: http://youtu.be/j-kUDCC8ZJg

Author's Bio: 

Melissa Heisler helps individuals find joy, balance, empowerment, and success in their work and home lives. She assists people one on one, in groups, and through the online Be Type-ME program. Melissa provides concrete and easy to follow ways to take back one’s life from the stresses of a career, family obligations, health concerns, and other daily challenges. Her own experiences allow her to be compassionate and understanding as her clients make their journey, and her drive and organizational skills help keep them on the path. Melissa holds a degree in Theatre Arts and a Masters in Integrated Marketing Communications, so whether her clients come from the left brain world of business or have a creative right brain she can speak their language. Melissa is the host of The Empowerment Show and also a contributing author for the books, Be There Now: Travel Stories From Around the World and Defining Moments: A Gathering of Women’s Journeys. Her first solo book, From Type-A to Type-ME: Daily Habits to Take Back Your Life is being published in 2014. She has also contributed to Experiences of the Light being published by Career Press / New Page Books also in 2014.