Electric cigarette are health friendly as they do not contain harmful components. That is the reason why FDA has approved its usage even at public places. These cigarettes are no more restricted for the smokers and can be smoked with liberty.

Electronic cigarette review relates the health factor with the medical studies. These studies say that electronic cigarettes are devoid of carcinogens. These are the main cancer causing agents in human body. The invention of these cigarettes has resolved the health issues. If you are smoking typical cigarettes you are prone to get the coronary diseases like heart stroke, respiratory issues or lungs cancer. The given are the possible outcome of smoking traditional cigarettes extensively. In order to understand, how these cigarettes do not cause any problem to the human lungs we need to know the working mechanism of these cigarettes. These cigarettes run on batteries. When the batteries are fully charged the user can have the same sensation and taste as offered by the real cigarettes.

Electronic cigarettes are composed of three components: battery, atomizer and the cartridge. The atomizer is the heating source which works when the battery is charged. The heat provided transform the liquid present inside the cartridge chamber. The liquid possesses the nicotine, flavor and the propylene glycol. Electronic cigarette review says that these three components are not harmful. Also, they are composed of just three components whereas normal cigarette comprise of more than four thousand components. So, those smokers who are hopeless and had tried a lot of methods in order to quit smoke can really trust on these cigarettes performance. They are approved from FDA as they do not cause any harm in the surrounding environment. The vapors emitted into the air get quickly dissolved. The passive smokers also stay in good health along with the smoker as they are also not inhaling the irritating components like tar, lead, carbon monoxide etc.

These cigarettes are healthy and that is the reason why they are gaining more and more popularity and has proved to be the best alternative for the normal cigarettes. If you want to quit smoking than it is better to have them as they are without any health risks as the smoker inhale and exhale the vapor mist. There are some studies which show conflicts in getting agreed on the fact that they are healthier choice for the smoker as nicotine in any form is not good for health. On the whole, most of the studies conducted shows positive remarks about these cigarettes. One of the main thing is FDA has approved so, this shows that they can be used especially by those which are chain smokers and quitting is hard for them. These cigarettes provide a safer way to quit smoking. There are different strengths of nicotine that can be chosen along with the flavor. Chain smokers usually like to have tobacco flavor for smoking and like to purchase those cigarettes which projects the feel of traditional cigarettes. Whatever design or flavor you chose the foremost thing is that they are safe for the health of your lungs.

Author's Bio: 

Adam Carry is the writer of this informative article about Electric Cigarette and Electronic Cigarette Review.