If you are like me, you would have asked the question, "where was my bike made?" It is necessary, you know, at least because you wish to know or otherwise. There are many brands with different manufacturing companies. As much as there are many of these parts, we all need to know the kind of bikes we're using and from the country of production. Majorly speaking, electric bikes are common in China and United States. But, are these countries the best producing or most popular producing countries? By best, it means the country should have significant contributions to the 2-wheel device globally, and they should have more brands in such a country that contribute to the high rate of production in such a country.


What is the truth about E-bikes production?

Do not be shocked that most bikes are produced in a company where the country is different from the brand. It isn't easy to know the country of origin, but very easy to access the brand of origin. Most brands claim the place their products are made. But in reality, most of the products are not directly made in those countries. For example, a brand might have a whole range of products that operates on prototype production— where the brand design and build a virtual representation of what they love to have in their new products, and send it directly to the manufacturer (producing warehouse). After the production, the brand claims the right and ownership of the products.


Most electric bicycles seen today are based on prototype production and distribution. And the hidden fact is that "more than one brand may depend on a single manufacturer, without affecting one another." How? — those brands always build what they love in their products and send the prototype to the manufacturer. And it is expected that each brand has its beliefs, mode of operation, design department, and many more. Significantly, the root of business is trust. And the manufacturing companies do sell trust and refrain from exposing the reality of the production. So, most products cannot be linked to a single country of production; instead, we all believe in the brand's claims and the information they release to the world.


Production is based on parts and assembling. Often, no brands can easily say the whole piece of their E-bikes is made from a country. When you read a label that shows "made in a country." The title may indicate that the frame or tires are designed in an "X" country while assembled in the "Z" country. To put it short, the brands always claim a single country of production to prevent complications. For example, typical Shimano electric bikes have their components like tires from Germany, seat, handlebars, wheels from Taiwan, and other accessories from Japan.


According to the Electric Bikes Guru, tradition and the wide distribution of electric bikes worldwide today, E-bikes are made widely in Asian factories. For example, 95% of the units distributed in the United States are from these factories.

Where are bikes truly made?

As mentioned earlier, many bikes are not genuinely made in a single country. Meaning, no manufacturer has direct producing companies; instead, they rebrand, import, or build the product somewhere. This fact is not hidden, maybe not entirely hidden, as most products indicate where it is assembled and where some parts are produced.


Either a single company exists that can produce all the parts in a country of origin, or there is none; the similarities between each product found in such country will be according to the country standards. The significance of production is useful to the last consumer. Therefore, each company always have the mind of the market and selling mode, plus those that will use the products.


●     Bike Manufactured in the United States and Europe

Some strict regulations and production guidelines bide e-bikes that are produced in these countries. And this is why most of the products are more expensive than other places in the world. Based on the monitoring government bodies, less quality product cannot make it to the market. Quality checks and tests are performed using various guidelines to scan through a product before unleashing to the world, especially from a Europe or United States-based company.


As we mentioned earlier, it doesn't mean a brand produces its products by itself. But, the standardization and quality measure must fit the taste of the users in the country. And base on these regulations, the type of E-bikes that are circulating in a country will best be described as the one product in the country because it will meet the needs and wants of the users— especially in the selected country.

●     China-made bikes

The production companies in China are known for low-price and high production rates compared to other countries in the world. Based on the low-price feature, the country does not impose strict guidelines and producing tariffs compare to countries like the United States and Europe. The necessary interpretation of this is the fact that most accessible parts are used to couple a product, unlike the use of some set of features.


In China, unless the buyer carefully demands or indicates the choice of parts to be used, the producing companies may likely follow their rules and guidelines of production in the country. And this is why many brands that source their products always draw out prototypes and designs that include the set of things that must be included in their products. And to the record, China which is among the Asian countries has a higher percentage of electric bike products than the United States and Europe.


In Summary

The significance of "country of origin" is to know the guidelines and tariffs behind each product distributed in the country. The policies impose some duties on the manufacturer, some are strict, and others are minimal. The kind of production guidelines is directly related to where you are and your geographical location. It is best to buy products that support your needs as the users.

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