The overall growth of the organization depends upon how nicely it adopts the technological advances and trains its employees according to it. While developing the training programs, timeliness holds immense importance. If the organization is not able to train its employees on time, the competitors would take over and soon they will beat others out of race. The traditional training method is time consuming and most of things right from scheduling the training session to the classroom session, are done manually. Moreover, due to lack of interactive learning, traditional training process seems monotonous and boring.

After the completion of training session long reports are generated followed by feedback session. While doing all these things the main objective of organization's growth takes a back seat. Thanks to the evolution of internet and related technologies, e-learning software is now available to the organizations. This is revolutionary software that has not only simplified the training process, but has made it interesting and rapid.

There are many tools that come along with the learning management system such as rapid authoring, custom e-learning and translation and localization, to name a few. While rapid authoring caters to the immediate training needs of the organizations, translation & localization ensures wide reach of the software. The content can thus be read in different languages and is compatible with varied learning platforms. In addition, e-learning promotes collaborative learning, wherein, the participants exchange ideas during the learning session. This type of learning process helps in understanding complex things easily. The interactive sessions also ensure that the trainees do not loose their interest in training.

The concept of game based learning is gaining huge popularity now-a-days. In this process, the learning module depicts the empirical nature of game. This type of learning is widely utilized in induction training, sales training, soft skills training and product-related training. Game based learning induces a sense of competition among the learners and are available with single and multi player options.

In addition to this mobile learning has also proven to be revolutionary. Now a days most of the people have access to smart phones and these are best for ‘on-the-go’ learners. E-learning modules are made for the varied mobile learning platforms such as android, RIM and windows. The LMS service providers are developing small m-learning nuggets to be delivered via sms along with m-books for mobile learning. By employing e-learning software, the organizations can focus towards goal of the organization.

Author's Bio: 

Gireesh Sharma is an author writing on Human Resource Management.His expertise includes collaborative learning, interactive learning and other Learning & Development matters.