A Brief Guide To Your Sporting Success
Various obstacles get in the way of your sportingsuccess - A lack of focus, an inability to set relevant performance-focused goals, strong internal and external pressure to perform well, along with the challenge of trying to balance your personal life with your sporting career. These are just some of the trials you face which can cause stress and affect the quality and consistency of your training and competition performances. And ultimately impact on you achieving your sporting goals.
If you are struggling with consistency, focus and self-confidence then you should consider getting some professional sports psychology advice. Dr Mike Martin is a Sydney Sports Psychologist, based in the Sutherland Shire, which helps athletes in the following ways…
Identifying Obstacles To Your Sporting Success:Whenyou understand why you lose focus, then you can develop plans and strategies to overcome thoseobstacles. However, many athletes are not even aware ofwhat they should focus on to keep them succeeding in their sport. If you find that you lose focus, then Dr Mike Martin, Sydney sportspsychologist, works with you to identify what obstacles are causing you to lose focus. Once these obstacles have been identified,then with a little hard work and awareness, your focus can skyrocket.
Eliminating Distractions To Your Sporting Success: Many times athletes have to face various kinds of distractions during competition. Rowdy spectators,sledging from opposing players and tight score lines are just a few of the external distractions that can take your concentration away from the job at hand.Asportspsychologist teaches youtechniques, which allow you to accept the stress and pressure that these distractions cause and regain your focus of attention back onto your competition performance, quickly and efficiently. The individual or team can lift their performance using these sports psychology strategies.
Setting Relevant Performance Goals: Goal setting is a crucial part of competition thinking, no matter what kind of sport or position you play. Settingrelevant performance goals can be a difficult process, because often athletes aren’t aware of what it exactly is that they should be focused on at certain critical points through out the competition. And even if they do have some awareness of what their role should be, they usually have difficulty breaking their role down into measurable, specific sporting behaviours that allow them to consistently deliver a high quality performance. The sports psychologist can discuss the performance thinking, and with athlete input, can help set relevant and realisticperformance goals, to insure a confident, focused, quality performance every time.
Ray Hanks is a tough sport psychologist who helps individuals to resist the urge to give up in the face of failure, to maintain focus and, of course,determination in pursuit of one’s goals. The author tries to strengthen their skills stronger than before.For more information please visit Sports Psychologist Sydney
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