Here is a wonderful recipe that will warm the heart of anyone who likes Italian food. Filled with the goodness of zucchini, potatoes, pumpkin, olives, and other veggies… this Frittata will do the body good. My wife loved this recipe and she is a hard customer to please so I’m sure you will love it too.
Another Whole-Foods Plant-Based Recipe.

See Link to See Photo of Recipe -


The Batter for Pouring Over the Filling

2 - Cups of Organic Pumpkin - Cooked and Mashed

12 - Oz of Organic Lentils - Cooked with Liquid

2 - Cup of Organic Almond Flour

1 - Cups of Organic Brown Rice Flour

1 - Cup of Organic Tapioca Flour

1 1/2 - Teaspoons of Organic Turmeric Powder

3 - Organic Salt-Free Bouillon Cubes

Salt and Pepper to Taste

1 - Teaspoon of Organic Baking Soda

1 - Teaspoon of Organic Baking Powder

3 - Teaspoons of Organic White Vinegar

8 - Cloves of Organic Garlic Minced

2 - Tablespoons of Organic Garlic Powder

4 - Tablespoons of Organic Italian Seasoning

Enough Filtered Water to Blend Everything Well into a Thick Batter

Get everything together and blend at the last minute ready to pour over the veggies.

Ingredients for the Filling

3 - Cups of Organic Zucchini - Cubed

2 - Cups of Organic Pumpkin - Cubed and Cooked Slightly

4 - Cups of Organic Potatoes - Cubed and Cooked

12 - Oz of Organic Black Olives

1 - Cup of Organic Sun Dried Tomatoes Strips

(Optional) 1 - Spread a Teaspoon of Organic Ground Annatto Seeds on top to make it look nice.

(Optional) Garnish With a Little Chopped Tomato on Top

Place all the filling ingredients in a 9 x 14-inch deep baking pan. Then, blend the batter and pour over the filling. Then, add a little bit of ground Annatto seeds on top to make it have a nice red color. Next, place the pan in a 425-degree oven for 1 and 20 minutes or until a toothpick comes out somewhat clean. You may have to go longer depending on how much water you use. The dish will turn a nice deep red color on top when it’s cooked most of the way through.

Remove from the oven

Let Cool

Slice and Serve

Serves 15 people or 6 hungry guys


Dr. Paul Haider - Master Herbalist

“Health Benefits of Organic Potatoes”

Organic potatoes go back thousands of years and have been raised in the high mountains of Peru and other South American countries for ages, in fact going back over 10,000 years. There are thousands of varieties of potatoes from red potatoes to purple, and everything in between. And now they are grown in just about every country around the world. In fact, the lowly potato is the most widely grown root veggie in the world. 

And organic potatoes have lots of great healing abilities that most people take for granted. In fact, organic potatoes have a bad rap because they are always surrounded by lots of oil, and are usually deep-fried, and then all the cheese and sauces are added which make them deadly. But organic potatoes by themselves are very healthy, and we just need to adjust our cooking methods. And if potatoes are consumed in moderation they can be a wonderful and beneficial food for the body.

Most Americans eat over 120 pounds of potatoes a year. And in other countries such as Germany, they consume about 240 pounds of potatoes a year.

Relatively Low in Calories – An average potato only contains about 110 calories and they are very filling… making them great for any diet.

Eating Organic Potatoes is Important – Regular potatoes contain lots of herbicides and pesticides. In fact, they are high on the list of veggies which contain lots of chemicals… thus organic potatoes are the best way to enjoy this wonderful food.

Toxins in Regular Potatoes – In fact, regular potatoes contain 6 or 7 different neurotoxins, 7 reproductive toxins, 6 cancer-causing agents, and 12 chemicals which cause problems with our hormones. So it’s vitally important that we eat organic potatoes for the health and welfare of our children and our own health. And now we have GMO potatoes emerging on the market which are even more toxic. PLEASE ONLY EAT ORGANIC POTATOES!

More Potassium than Bananas – A regular size potato contains more potassium than bananas, making it great for cardiovascular health and water regulation.

Preventing Kidney Stones and Gout – Potatoes contain lots of magnesium which help to prevent kidney stones and the build-up of uric acid which causes gout.

Helps with Inflammation – Because potatoes also contain Vitamin C and B Vitamins they are also a great anti-inflammatory food if used in moderation.

No Fat or Cholesterol – Potatoes are fat-free and cholesterol free and thus are really a great health food which most people can enjoy.

Great for Healthy Skin – Potatoes contain B Vitamins plus Vitamins C and A, zinc and phosphorus making them great for healthy looking skin.

Lowers Blood Pressure – Potatoes contain kukoamines which are also found in some Chinese Medicinal Herbs that lower blood pressure. And when cooking potatoes this compound does not degrade with heat… thus being able to lower blood pressure. Well of course as long as we don’t deep fry them… or fill them with fats.

Lots of B Vitamins – Potatoes contain lots of B Vitamins which are important for vitality, athletic performance, good mood and for building and maintaining a healthy nervous system.

Raw Potato Juice an Amazing Healing Agent – Raw potato juice is a powerful healing agent. From alkalizing the body to soothing the GI tract and healing gastric ulcers, potato juice is a potent healer. See link to the full article about the healing qualities of raw potato juice –

Cardiovascular Health – Potatoes also contain compounds that lower homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is an agent that causes atherosclerosis and is associated with heart attacks and strokes… thus eating potatoes can lower a person’s chances of having cardiovascular challenges.

Phosphorus – And the lowly potato also contains lots of great phosphorus for strong bones.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid – Potatoes also contain this life-giving compound which helps our bodies convert food to glucose, and it’s very important for a powerful metabolism. And alpha-lipoic acid also helps to protect our cardiovascular system, our eyes and helps to prevent diabetes.

Quercetin – Potatoes contain Quercetin which is a very powerful antioxidant that can help to prevent free radical damage and thus inflammation and disease.

Vitamin C – Potatoes also contain Vitamin C which is important for preventing colds, flues, and for preventing DNA damage. One average baked potato contains 45% of our Vitamin C needs for the day.

Copper – Potatoes also contain a good amount of copper for preventing anemia.

Sodium Free Food – Potatoes are totally sodium free making them great for those who are on salt-free diets.

Fiber – And potatoes contain a lot of fiber making them important for creating a good environment for the growth of probiotic bacteria. Probiotic bacteria are important for boost our immune system and preventing disease.

Cancer Prevention – Potatoes also contain lots of powerful antioxidants such as quercetin which help to prevent cancer.

Collagen – Potatoes contain collagen which is important for healthy skin and collagen makes up most of our connective tissue. For getting rid of wrinkles collagen is very important.

Leave the Skins On – A lot of vitamins, minerals, and fiber are found in potato skins, so whether you are baking or roasting potatoes make sure you leave on the skins.

Enjoy This Great Frittata

Many Blessings to Everyone!

Dr. Paul Haider - Master Herbalist

Author's Bio: 

Feel Free to Share - This information is meant to get you started so you can do more research on your own… dig a little deeper and find what works for you. This article is for educational purposes only, I strongly recommend that you seek advice from your own GP, private doctor, or medical specialist for any ailment, illness, or medical condition.. this article not meant to be a scientific analysis in any way, shape, or form. 
Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 30 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, and at – feel free to connect with him anytime.
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