
If you wholeheartedly wish to have an intimate relationship and don’t yet have one, it is important that you understand the true reasons for not succeeding. Implementing five simple steps might help you figure out how to proceed to having the relationship you hope for.


So, you want to have a relationship but so far you haven’t been successful. Why not? There are those who are not sure why, they just not successful at having one, that’s it, they say. Maybe they haven’t found the right match for them yet, maybe they didn’t have luck so far, who knows.

What about you? Do you know why you don’t have a relationship if you truly want one?

This might be a simple question; maybe an idiotic one. There are so many reasons for one not having a relationship, aren’t there? But the truth is, if you want a relationship so much and don’t have one, there must be a reason for it, isn’t it so?

Many hesitate to dig into the true reason for them not having a relationship. They are scared to find out something about themselves they might prefer not to know. But then, without finding out what stands in their way from having a relationship they might go without one for ages.

There are those who hesitate to look inwards since they feel there is something in them which stands in their way; they might even know what this something is, but they are scared to change. What will happen – they tell themselves - if after they change they will still not have a relationship? What would it then say about them? So they better stay where they are than attempting to make a change.

Where do you stand in this respect? If you want a relationship and don’t have one, can you pin-point the true reasons for not having one? Can you tell yourself you’ve done all you could in order to find a partner with whom to develop a relationship, and yet you were unsuccessful? If this is the case, do you know the reasons for your being unsuccessful?

Many put the blame on their potential partners or on external situations. But these are only justifications and rationalizations to help them cope with not being successful.

And you, being totally honest with yourself, can you realize the reasons for your being successful? Can you understand what you do which might stand in your way from having a successful relationship? Or, for that matter, can you understand what you don’t do which stands in your way?

The five steps to understanding what stands in your way from having a successful intimate relationship are the following:

1. Getting up the motivation and the courage to understand what you might not have figured out until now is the first step towards opening the doors to a successful relationship;

2. Looking inwards and figuring out how you come across to others and how others might see you is another step;

3. Having the willingness and courage to make the necessary changes is the third;

4. Overcoming old patterns of thinking and behaving is the fourth;

5. Taking the time to get new insights about yourself and your issues is the fifth.

Note that these five steps intermingle with one another and can occur simultaneously.

If you let yourself be driven by hope alone nothing will happen. But if you lead yourself to finding out how you might stand in your own way from developing a successful intimate relationship, you will then overcome whatever obstacles there are and become able to find a partner with whom to develop the relationship you hope for.

Author's Bio: 

Doron Gil, Ph.D., a university teacher, workshop leader, counselor and consultant, has a 30 year experience in the areas of Self-Awareness and Relationships. He has lectured widely on these and related topics at conferences world-wide, taught classes to students, gave workshops to parents and administrators and is the author of: “The Self-Awareness Guide to a Successful Intimate Relationship. Available as e-book and paperback: