How has Spirit has revealed itself to you? As a young child I always felt and often saw what I called “angels’. I felt like I was always being observed. I didn’t feel alone. Later on, as I learned to meditate, I really began to connect deeply with Spirit and an intimate relationship developed where I received guidance and felt very loved.

Take a look at what you have already received in your life to see how Spirit influence you. You will find a spiritual path way showing your spiritual guidance. Spirit is with us every step of the way but sometimes we don’t recognize it is with us and we feel separated from our Source. Our journey is not alone.

We travel with others through relationships, through art and nature and through our service to others. We are students/teachers/children/parents/workers. Our roles are diverse and ever changing. The one constant we have is the our spiritual Source is ever present, loving and guiding us.

Here are ten questions that may help you to see how Spirit has revealed itself in your life:

1.What gifts and talents do you naturally have?

2. What bridges did you cross?

3.What mountains did you climb?

4.What volcanoes exploded for you?

5.What rivers did you flow with…to bring you here?

6.Where’s your favourite place in nature?

7.What brings you joy?

8.Whom do you like to share your life with?

9.How do you feel when you pray or meditate?

10.What and whom do you love?

These questions may help you to see how Spirit is intimately involved in your life and is assisting you as you evolve and transform through your new thoughts and actions. Our view of life broadens and grows as we age, if we allow our minds and hearts to open, or we can be very fixed by our beliefs and that is okay too if they bring you love and joy. If not, ask Spirit to show you a new way.

Our spiritual Source holds the key to our becoming, our awakening to our expanded being. It is through Spirit that we evolve and manifest our true potential. Our spiritual journey requires
• a deep trust in the unknown
• an opening of our heart to love
• acceptance of our spiritual quidance
• A response to it in our daily life.

We all have the ability to communicate with Spirit by thoughts, prayers or meditation. We communicate to Spirit when we smile, cry or contemplate...we are never alone. We can listen to Spirit or view it in nature and through others. I love to meditate to deepen my spiritual communication and to receive guidance.

By going within to meditate, we meet our inner Source in a place of peace and serenity. In this heartfelt space, we can communicate with Spirit and receive the guidance we need. Then it is up to us to bring this inner love into our outer life to share with others. It isn’t difficult, as once you have experienced the love of Spirit within, you will naturally transform and others will notice your ‘glow’ and your transformation into a more loving being.

To see Spirit in others, view each person as a Beloved One. A few years ago, I spent a day where I said in my mind, "I see the Christ in you" as I looked at each person I met. It was a wonderful day! Now, I view each person as a Beloved who is sharing this time with me. I may not condone many of their actions, but I know that God loves each soul and so do I. This change in consciousness from being judgmental to being loving has transformed my life and my soul.

Spirit reveals itself in so many ways. Enjoy as you begin to feel the connectedness and Oneness of all life with our Spiritual Source. Awaken to new thoughts as you meditate or as you view your world from a loving, peaceful heart and not an angry and unforgiving one. Say "Yes" to peace in your life and take steps to create a peaceful and loving space within your heart. Then you will feel Spirit revealing itself to you in each moment.

Author's Bio: 

Jane Booth Robertson, BA, CSW, M.Div., an experienced holistic workshop facilitator, promotes seeing the connection of nature, art and heart centered spirituality for inner peace. Jane is a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking, a Certified USUI Reiki Master, and Certified Sound Energy Dynamics Practitioner and Ordained Minister of All Seasons Church of Canada. She is author of In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation