Nowadays, the frequency of pelvic inflammatory disease is getting higher and higher, and it causes great influence on the female body and life, so it needs great attention.

The woman that suffers from pelvic inflammatory disease often has symptoms such as increased leucorrhea, irregular menstruation and so on. There are many methods that can help patients with pelvic inflammatory disease pull through, such as physical therapy, surgical therapy and medical therapy. Among then, the herbal medicine Fuyan Pill is more effective with no side effects.

What's more, dietary therapy in daily life can also help to improve the pelvic inflammatory disease. This following nine foods can be females' daily options.

1. Kelp seaweed

It contains a lot of iodine, which can stimulate the pituitary, make estrogen level in women reduced, restore the normal function of ovary, correct endocrine disorders and eliminate the hidden danger of pelvic inflammatory disease.

2. Soft-shelled turtle

It is rich in protein, which contains 18 kinds of amino acids, and methionine rarely found in general food. It can remove blood stasis and cool the blood, featuring a better therapeutic effect on patients with pelvic inflammatory disease.

3. Litchi

It has functions of tonifying liver and kidney, improving qi, nourishing blood and dispersing calculi. It is suitable for patients with qi deficiency and blood stasis, or qi stagnation and blood stasis.

4. Angelica

It is warm and sweet, with functions of enriching blood and activating blood circulation, regulating menstruation and relieving pain, moistening bowel and improving constipation, which is suitable for patients with cold dampness and stagnation.

5. Wheat

It contains amino acids and amylase, and can nourish the heart and kidney, relieve heat and quench thirst. It has a good effect on the heart palpitations and mood fluctuations caused by chronic pelvic inflammatory disease.

6. Broccoli

The vitamin C content in the broccoli is extremely high, which can improve the immune function, enhance the body , increase the ability to resist diseases, and have a certain therapeutic effect on patients with pelvic inflammatory disease.

7. Polygonum multiflorum

It has the effect of nourishing liver and kidney, invigorating qi and blood, and has certain therapeutic effect on patients with pelvic inflammatory disease.

8. Quail egg

It has the effect of supplementing qi and blood, strengthening the body constitution, which is suitable for patients with pelvic inflammatory disease to eat in daily life.

9. Black sesame

It has the effect of tonifying qi, nourishing liver and kidney, and has a certain auxiliary therapeutic effect on patients with pelvic inflammatory disease.

Dietary considerations for patients with pelvic inflammatory disease:

1. During the fever, they should eat light and digestible foods.

2. Avoid greasy, spicy and fried foods.

3. Patients who are afraid of cold can be given ginger soup, brown sugar water, and other warm foods.

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