Intestinal parasites inhabit the most of the human population. It is easy to contaminate your body with worms by eating or drinking contaminated products, eating with dirty hands, etc. The egg worms are carried and transported by people to melting pots like a mall or a fashion hair salon. Although it is hard to prevent ourselves from contamination whenever we consume foods and beverages, regular deworming is a great solution for anyone. Nevertheless, the methods are different, and their effectiveness varies for each person.

1. Signs of worms
You should never treat worms if you are not sure about their presence. The abdomen area will show you the most regular symptoms. Unnatural itchiness or pain in the abdomen area is caused by the toxins, produced by the worms, and by the blockages they make. Severe pain is mainly caused by the ulcers, which can be caused by few of the existing worms. Your immune system may react in rashes when the toxins are constantly released into your body. An unexplained weight loss and blood in the stool is also a sign of worms in your intestine. If you experience any of the mentioned symptoms, consult with your physiologist and do the tests.

2. Medications
Medications are one of the most efficient tools in drenching; however, you should follow your doctor’s prescription when taking medicine. This option is unavailable for pregnant women in most cases. Albendazole is a great choice to prevent the worms from growing and multiplying, while also eliminating them. This medication is universal and should be taken for a while to prevent recurrence. Niclosamide is useful when fighting tapeworms. The worms are killed and then pass out with stool, that’s why you can’t take this pill when having roundworms (they are going to stuck in the intestine and rot). Mebendazole will be a great choice to find all kinds of worms except for the tapeworm. Medications may affect your general condition negatively, and you will need a recovery term. You will be notified about the side effects by your doctor.

3. Natural recipes
Some foods contain enough supplements to fight and kill worms. Eat the seed or pumpkins or papaya regularly to kill the parasites. Papaya seeds will also reduce the inflammation caused by the hookworms. Pomegranate and pineapples contain both the essential digestive enzymes and acids, which are helpful when fighting worms. Garlic and coconut oil have the anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic properties, which will also cleanse your intestine. A mix of mashed banana with some lemon juice is a powerful tool to relax your intestine, make it contract, and also kill the worms.

4. Natural supplements
A great alternative to medications in case you are not able to consume certain foods. Turmeric and uva ursi tables address the worms directly, while vitaklenz echinacea capsules will enhance your immune system by promoting your guard cells. Consult on the amount of supplement takes, with your doctor.

After finishing a deworming course, make sure you prevent yourself from eating raw foods, wash your hands, and perform a stool test twice a year to keep track of the condition of your intestine.

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Author's Bio: 

Hey! I`m Jessica Carter. Last year I finished UAL (University of Art London ) with a specialization in Fashion Journalism. Now I live in NYC and practice skills received there. I try writing about fashion trends for different magazines and websites.
Also, I`m interested in traveling, and my dreams is to travel around the whole globe. I`ve already been to Norway, France, German, Poland, and Morocco. Next time I want to visit India.
I`m going to write a book about my adventures in different countries.