The strategy is defined as a high-level plan executed to achieve one or more goals under conditions of uncertainty.

And myths… well, myths are nothing but widely-held false beliefs or ideas. Myths are generally floated in the world when there is not enough information to negate or delate it there and then.

How come Strategy & Myths Got Related?

Interesting question, if any! As mentioned earlier that myths are born out of lack of knowledge or half-baked truths. It is like spreading a wildfire…nobody knows the root cause but sees the fire and starts believing in it.

Yes, it could be hazardous … for the world by the above example and for your business, if you are not careful.

Could a Business Strategist Help?

Yes, and no! A certified business strategist could be of great help as compared to a non-certified one here.


As a strategy professional with business certifications she would be able to identify the myths surrounding the strategy and debunk them with practiced ease. She would know that to run a successful business to need to do away with myths. One needs to understand business principles with flaws or baseless assumptions only create obstacles in a successful execution of a strategy.

While there are numerous strategy myths floating in the market, here are some of the popular ones, a business strategist would be able to identify and debunk it for an organization.

Strategy myth 1: Strategy is not a third party decision. If it is your business, it should be your strategy and not come from anyone else and that includes your managers or other top management officials.

Myth debunking: A certified business strategist would identify corporate strategies, product strategies, and other functional group strategies and align them with your strategy.

Strategy myth 2: Once a strategy is created there is no need to revisit. A strategy is neither a long-term process nor is it a once-year project. In order to ensure that a business is growing and its goals are achieved.

Myth debunking: A strategy professional with business certifications would be able to tell you the importance of monthly strategy meet-up at all the levels to review the strategies.

Strategy myth 3: Strategy Execution plays an important part as compared to the strategy itself. No matter how well you execute the strategy, if the strategy itself is not good enough you would not be able to garner the desired results. Period.

Myth debunking: A strategy professional with business certification would be able to tell you how important is to have an excellent strategy in place before you try executing it.

Strategy myth 4: Strategy signifies that you are better than your competitors. Not at all true; because when you use the word better is such a subjective term for what you offer to your customers. The question to be addressed here is how your product is different from your competitor.

Myth debunking: A certified business strategist would be able to articulate your differentiated value to the target audience in a one-sentence value proposition.

Strategy myth 5: Mission, vision, goals, and Strategy they all are the same. Clearly, whoever, floated this myth didn’t have an iota of understanding of business terms. As a business person, it would be a cardinal sin for you not to be able to differentiate mission, vision, goals, and strategy. Remember, the current purpose of your business defines ‘mission,’ future purpose of your business is your vision. Keeping this in mind goals are the desired outcome you are trying to achieve and strategy is how you plan and allocate your resources to reach your goals.

Myth debunking: A strategy professional with business certifications would help you in differentiating your mission, vision, and goals and would keep on track whenever you deviate from any one of them.

Author's Bio: 

Niti Sharma is a professional writer, the blogger who writes for a variety of online publications. She is also an acclaimed blogger outreach expert and content marketer. She loves writing blogs and promoting websites related to education, fashion, travel, health, and technology sectors.