Have you ever noticed how you feel so much lighter and happier after a few dances? Ever notice that people are in good moods and their energy is higher when dancing. There are a few reasons for that ,one being its all about energy movement, the other being that as adults we are allowing ourselves to have fun, something we don’t do often enough. The music also vibrates through our bodies moving even more energy around.
We have energy chakra’s in our and around our bodies. They are like a fan that spins in a clockwise direction(when healthy) that interchange energy with our bodies and the universe. The main chakra’s in our bodies are aligned along the spine starting at the tip of the tail bone(root) and moving upwards to the tip of your head(crown). Each chakra has an important roll in governing certain emotions and organs in our bodies. When these start to get clogged with debris (negative energy) they do not exchange energy properly, eventually creating a block in the flow of energy, and creating disease if left unattended long enough. Most mainstream doctors will not tell you this.
So what does this have to do with dancing? Energy needs to move, with the body movement in dancing you are actually exercising and moving energy through your chakra’s. When you move your hips you are generating energy in your root chakra which starts to move up the spine into each energy center along the spin. This energy stored in the root chakra is called Kundalini energy, it is a firey passionate energy, which clears the system and activates each chakra as it moves up along the spine.
The energy in a dance room is so high because of the release of this Kundalini. Many don’t realize it but you don’t really need to drink in order to feel high on a night out. You may think you need it to get the courage up to get on the dance floor, but that courage is already within you.
People may feel more sexual after an evening of dancing, this is due to the movement in the sacral chakra, located about 2 inches below the belly button. This chakra is our sexual and pleasure center, located around the hips it gets a great workout during a dance. Opening up this center and getting that energy flowing through the body. I wonder if that has anything to do with the number of people who get picked up at a bar??
The solar plexis, located just below the ribcage is our control center, our will center. As we dance and move our bodies around we are moving energy through this, clearing out anything that is blocking it from moving freely and exchanging energy with the universe. We seem to be better able to let things go as the night progresses. Ever noticed that the things that were bothering you before you went out, just don’t seem to matter as much anymore.
The throat chakra gets a work out when the head and neck are moving around, the muscle in the throat also get used when trying to talk over the music. This chakra is also connected to your ears, the amount of vibrations coming in is enough to clear away any blocks in this area. One should be careful not to damage this with loud sounds.
If you look around the dance floor and the people moving around you may be able to see flashes of colored light, reds, oranges, yellows, blues and purples. These are energy releases coming from the different chakras. As the energy moves up the body from the root it enters the 3rd eye, which opens up our abilities to see beyond what the naked eye can see. A trained eye can see these flashes of colors around people, during a night of dancing they are so much easier to see.
Once the Kundalini energy has moved its way up the body it has to be released somewhere, it travels out the crown chakra. This is the center where we receive our divine guidance. Have you ever had the experience of getting a really great idea or having met the exact person you needed to meet during an evening of dance? Think about it everything is open, you are relaxed and having fun, it is more than possible for the guidance to not only come through, but to be noticed. Is that why the worlds troubles can be solved on a bar stool???? Not sure if that would be the booze talking or true guidance. Perhaps the guidance is there, the booze just elaborates and fills it with ego minded b.s.
The point here is that music and body movement can prevent any type of dis-ease by moving energy through the body and releasing anything that is un-needed. It will always make you feel lighter and more energized with more benefits that the mind and eye can not see. Get out and shake that body, feel the vibrations, and release the old.
Jenn is an Angel Therapy Pracitioner, a Reiki Practitioner, an Intuitive Life Coach, Author, Teacher and Radio Personality.
She runs a private healing practice in Chatham Ontario, where she offers her clients a variety of services designed specifically for their needs. All services are available either in person, or via phone/email.
You can listen live on Tuesday evenings for discussion on spiritual topics and techniques. Soul's Journey Radio, 8 Pm Est.
Please visit my website for more information on the services I offer. Many angel blessings to you.
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