I have been cycling since I was 7 years old, and I now ride a bicycle to almost every destination I reach. Before I did my research on cycling, I had no idea about most the health benefits of cycling.
Now that I do, it makes me glad that I picked up cycling as a main activity. Nevertheless, the three main benefits of cycling are that cycling helps prevent sicknesses, it helps people build a better body, and it is an amazing means of transportation.
Cycling helps reduce the risks of heart disease by a big margin. Heart disease is a major reason for people’s deaths, in fact, 40% of deaths are caused by Coronary Heart Disease. But what causes Coronary Heart Disease? Studies show that 37% of all Coronary Heart Disease deaths are caused by “physical inactivity” (Bedford Borough Council).
Cycling can easily help prevent this life-threatening disease that causes many people to die. According to the Telegraph, cycling every day “nearly halves the risk of heart disease.”
In addition to preventing Coronary Heart Disease, cycling can also lower the risk of cancer! According to the National Cancer Institute, 38.5% of men and women are going to be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lifetime. In order to prevent this statistic, people should acquire the activity of cycling. If you want to keep your cycling easier in any mountain area you can buy best best mountain bike for safety riding.
Studies show that riding a bicycle can lower the risk of lung cancer by 55% and colorectal cancer by 44% compared to those who do not regularly exercise. Also, for those who have been diagnosed with cancer, regular cycling can lower the chance of cancer death by 32% (Bicycling). As you can see, cycling can have a great impact on a person’s life.
Additionally, cycling can also prevent a person from dying at an early age. Riding a bicycle lowers the risk of dying by about 40% compared to people who are physically inactive (The Telegraph). Simply riding to work every day can make a person live a longer a much healthier life. This shows us that cycling can save a life!
Furthermore, cycling helps people build a better body. For those people who are trying to lose fat, cycling is the way to go. According to Harvard Health Publications, moderate cycling for 30 minutes on a person that weighs 155 pounds loses 260 calories.
A number of calories burned during a workout also depend on the weight of the person and how fast they are cycling. The more a person weighs and the faster that person cycles, the more calories are burned. Of course cycling alone is not enough to burn fat, people should also maintain a balanced diet in order for the cycling to have a better effect.
Cycling can also be a great workout for building muscle. Cycling helps with the building of muscle throughout the whole body. However, its primary muscles that cycling focuses on are the quadriceps and the hamstrings. Although cycling is best for muscle endurance, it can also build and strengthen the muscle.
Now there are different ways to ride a bicycle, and the different ways would often target different muscles. For example, riding while sitting down, riding while standing up, and riding up a hill all affect muscles in a variety of ways and some even have an impact on a different muscle. Anyways, cycling is an amazing way to build muscle and muscle endurance, especially in the lower body.
Moreover, cycling is not always the fastest means of transportation, but it can surely be the most efficient. While riding a bicycle in a city like New York can be the fastest means of transportation, it takes more time to get from one place to another in less crowded areas.
However, cycling comes with a much lower opportunity cost than other alternatives. Not to mention that cycling is also best for the environment as it burns no fuel while riding, at least speaking for the traditional bicycles.
With all these cycling benefits presented in this essay, there is a catch. Cycling can be bad for bone density as it increases the risk of losing bone mass, which can be prone to having more bone injuries. This can easily be solved by adding more high-impact activities like "running, strength training, even walking” (Bicycling).
Now, of course, one cannot simply only ride a bicycle every day and simply hope that everything in life is going to be fine. One should also maintain a healthy diet, frequent exercise, and good amount of sleep. In addition to the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle, cycling 5 times a week for about 20 minutes a day can have all the positive effects that are presented in this essay (Hindustan Times).
Cycling has many benefits and is easily accessible. As long as someone is not lazy to simply ride a bike 5 times a week, that person will have many benefits in their life. For all the reasons provided in this essay, cycling can literally save a person’s life.

Author's Bio: 

Hello Audience I am jason Roy. I would like to write about cycling or any fitness related topics. My article is fitness related when you read it i think everyone will be benefited.
I believe that if you do regular exercise or cycling your fitness will be fit for you and always you feel relax. I would like to suggest everyone if you want to your healthy fitness you can join any sports related activity like Yoga, Cycling, Weight loss program and also other activity.