The world is developing fast and one needs to keep up with its pace, in order to stay ahead in the competition. Training is therefore considered to be an inseparable part of an organization. It helps in imparting knowledge to the employees so that they are able to generate better output. However, it is important that the training is conducted timely. The conventional training method requires a lot of preparation such as making a paper presentation, questionnaires, tests and assignment. The evaluation is done manually, which consumes a lot of time of the trainers and trainees both. With the emergence of e-learning solutions, the organizations can breathe a sigh of relief. The learning management system is one tool, which helps in imparting knowledge to the employees, maintains record of the trainees, and generates report, simultaneously.

One of the biggest advantages of learning management system is custom e learning. It is believed that unless the content speaks to the learner, the objective of training will not be fulfilled. The e-learning module is developed in such a manner that it not only benefits the employee but also helps in achieving the ultimate goal of the organization. As the operations of different organizations differ from each other, the learning content also varies. Obviously, a training module of banking and finance will be useless for a company, which is indulged in IT & software. The training module for each organization is specific; therefore, the employees can relate and benefit from it.

Social learning, mobile learning and game based learning are popular these days. These are beyond geographical and time barriers and give the freedom to the trainee to access the training material anytime, anywhere. In game based learning, the training module is integrated with the game and by each passing level, the trainee is able to learn something. Most of the e-learning service providers are developing mobile specific training content, which has further enhanced the opportunity of learning. The mobile-based training content is accessible via different platforms such as windows, RIM and android. Additionally, with the help of social networking websites, the trainee select the module from the catalogs and can share it with friends, if he likes it.

The learning management system is continuously developing and the service providers are coming up with new solutions everyday. This system is cost-effective and can be tailored according to the specific requirements of the clients. For the organizations, which do not want to incur large investments in LMS, SaaS or software as a service is a feasible solution. In addition to this, to save on costs the organizations can outsource their project to an off shoring company.

Author's Bio: 

Gireesh Sharma is an author writing on Human Resource Management.His expertise includes e-learning solutions, learning management system and other Learning & Development matters.