If on one side, there are those who believe just about everything the media says, on the other, there are those who believe very little of what this source says. As a result of this, when it comes to how the former see the world, it is going to be very different to how the latter see the world.

This is, of course, a very black and white way of looking at things, and there are going to be many different views on both sides of the spectrum. However, when someone doesn’t look towards the system to inform them, they are more likely to have views that are seen as being crazy.

Way Out There

If they were to share a few of their views with the average person, they could be seen as someone who is totally deluded, if not insane. Compared with what this person has heard from the mainstream media, what they say can appear to have no basis in reality.

Due to the fact that what they say is so different to what this source says, it will soon be dismissed. As opposed to one being seen as having a good understanding of what is going on, then, they will be viewed in a negative light.


What will support their view is that the media often labels anyone who questions the accepted narrative as being a conspiracy theorist. This term, a term that is said to have been created by the CIA to silence dissent, will be used to shame and even pathologies anyone who doesn’t go along with what this source says.

This source, unlike other sources, will have the monopoly on the truth and every other source will be dispensing misinformation and fake news. One way to look at this would be to say that the media is like a parental figure who abuses their power and the consumers of it are like their children, and the complete acceptance of and submission to this authority is the only thing that will be tolerated.

A Grey Area

Now, while it would be easy to say that someone will find out about what is really going on when they look away from the mainstream media and towards alternative sources, this wouldn’t be the complete truth. The reason for this is that there are so many different views and while some of them will be accurate, some will be close to it, and some will be way off.

With this in mind, it will be essential for someone to think critically and not to simply go along with something just because it sounds right, is coming from someone who they like or matches up with their current view of the world. Yet, although this will be important, someone may end up being drawn to information that is very dark and sinister and they could accept just about all of it.

Down The Rabbit Hole

Through going down this path, they could often hear about things that could fill them with rage, fear and despair. They will then be shocked, at least in the beginning, by some of the things that are said taking place and have been taking place for years.

By finding out about these things, they could have a strong need to share what they learn with their fellow human beings. The challenge is that if they were to simply mention some of the lighter things that they have heard about, they could be seen as crazy and end up being ignored.

A Helpless Place

One can then be in a position where they believe that they know what is going on behind the scenes but, apart from the people who they talk to online, there can be no one for them to talk to in the real world. Along with this, they can feel powerless when it comes to doing anything about what is going on.

They can have the need for everyone to wake up, so that the people behind the scenes are dealt with. But, taking into account what is going on, this can be seen as something that is unlikely to occur.

Looking Deeper

When it comes to why they are drawn to this kind of material, it could just be put down to the fact that they are curious and want to find out the truth. Moreover, they can be described as someone who wants to make the world a better place, hence why they will want to wake people up.

Nonetheless, what if there is far more to it than this? What if this is just what is taking place on one level and, at a deeper level, they are drawn to the darkness that is out there as it is a reflection of a part of themselves that they are not aware of?

An Unconscious Process

If this is the case it will show that, without realising it, they are trying to indirectly resolve the conflict that is inside them. By dealing with what is going on externally, it will be a way for them to try to deal with what is going on internally.

Their inner darkness will then be what is causing them to be drawn to darkness and it will cause them to also project darkness into the world. As to why they would have this darkness inside them, it could go back to what they experienced during their developmental years, and this may have been a time when they were unable to trust their caregivers.

Out of Mind

Yet, as their brain will have blocked out what took place during this stage of their life, a stage that may have been brutal, they are unable to see the connection. It will then appear as though they are just drawn to this information and their mind will have a number of reasons as to why this is.

If they were to get in touch with their own darkness and started to work through their own emotional wounds, they would probably find that their pull to the outer darkness starts to diminish. Their inner world will become more in balance, so their outer world will follow suit.

Final Thoughts

At this point, it could be said that if someone no longer focuses on the darkness out there and stops trying to do anything to change it, it will end up getting worse. From a materialistic point of view, this sounds right.

Nevertheless, if separation is an illusion and everyone and everything is connected, then if someone connects to their inner darkness and starts to transmute it, their outer world will change and they will no longer feed into the darkness that exists. Whereas, if they were to purely focus on the darkness out there and tried to change it, without dealing with their own darkness, they would be feeding into this darkness and sustaining the very thing that they want to change.

Author's Bio: 

Author of 25 books, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, self-worth, inner child and inner awareness. With over two thousand, eight hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.

To find out more go to - http://www.oliverjrcooper.co.uk/

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