Do you recall a recent interaction you may have either been a part of or witnessed, where one person was clearly communicating some information and the audience clearly did not understand what was being said?  The speaking person, sooner or later, realizes from the puzzled looks or the questions being asked, that the message was not being understood. So the speaker starts again and says the same exact words, just more slowly and louder. Does this work? Does this method ever work? Of course not!

What is going wrong? It has been written in Harvard Business Review, “The number one criteria for advancement and promotion for professionals is an ability to communicate effectively.”

John C. Maxwell said, “It’s not enough just to work hard. It’s not enough to do a great job. To be successful, you need to learn how to really communicate with others.”

Before you assume this has nothing to do with you, my suggestion is to conduct a reality check for yourself.

The next time you are either giving some type of instructions, or speaking to pass on some information of importance, ask the listeners to repeat to you what they heard. Do not warn them beforehand that you will be asking them to do this or you will negate the test. They will listen closer and be more aware of your words.

The results of this little test may provide some insight for you. This will be across your life from the board room, to the charity committee you sit on, to the eight year olds on your Little League team.

Now that we are all in agreement, this may happen to any of us and it does. What do we do?

This is the topic of an entire course, Effective Communication.

Here are a few easy ways to begin your walk down the path of communicating and connecting more effectively.

  • Become a great listener
  • Ask excellent questions
  • Understand what is important to your listeners
  • Speak about areas important to you which match your listeners
  • Based upon the above items, create a relationship with your listeners

These are not meant to be easy and quick solutions. You will need to put in the time and practice. With all tips and techniques which are intended to create positive change the habit of utilizing the techniques must be created.

Each of these when utilized and practiced will bring forward results that will be obvious to you and your listeners, especially if the people are the same people who you have previously spoken to. Now you will be speaking with them and they will notice the difference.

If you and your company, group or organization is ready to take your communication to the next level, contact Mitch Tublin specifically for his workshop on “Everyone Communicates, Few Connect”.

Author's Bio: 

Are you ready to take the intentional action steps necessary to run a successful business? Contact Mitch Tublin today
Take time this month to work on your networking strategy. If you seek assistance in defining your ideal client and becoming more comfortable networking go to and book your strategic business breakthrough session with expert business strategy consultant, Mitch Tublin, today.