Headache and migraines are the two most common problems which almost every individual suffers due to increasing stress level, improper eating habits and irregular lifestyle. We usually rely upon medicines and liniment to get instant relief, but what we don’t care about is the fact that these pain killers have adverse effects in long term and can prove perilous for our health. The solution for all your pain and suffering is Chiropractic therapies which are safe and can give you long term and permanent relief from the common problems and pains
What is Chiropractic Therapy?
Chiropractic therapy is an alternative non-traditional and natural form of treatment where the practitioner of the therapy does not depend upon the traditional and prevalent practices of medication and pharmaceuticals. Instead, a Chiropractor Vancouver focuses on structure, condition and functions of bones, joints especially spinal cord and uses methods like acupuncture, massage etc to treat the painful problems. Chiropractic cures means and believes in “treatment by hand” and almost all the ailments are treated manually by the professionals or Chiropractor.
Benefits of Chiropractors in Vancouver
Every individual’s body has its own natural ways of healing wounds and pains which can be improved by the Chiropractor through various methods.
Synchronization of body parts and systems result in healthier body.
Healthy nervous system and especially healthy spine is the major factor responsible for healthy body.
Misbalance and disorder of bones, muscles and nerves leads to disturbs homeostasis and increases risk of disease and other health related problems.
Types of Chiropractic Treatments
Straight Chiropractic: This form of Chiropractic treatment believes and focuses primarily on the recognition and rectification of vertebral subluxation through manual tuning. Straight Chiropractor doesn’t prefer mixing other types of therapies with their line of treatment. The treatment keeps itself away from modern practiced methods of cure and follows the traditional Chiropractic steps i.e.
perform spinal analysis
Detect subluxation
Cure with adjustment
Mixed Chiropractic: It is a mix of diagnostic treatment approach and chiropractic approach. The Chiropractor incorporate the modern medical diagnostics to know the cause of the ailment and treats them using Chiropractic therapy infused with conventional techniques of physical therapies, homeopathy, herbal remedies and biofeedback etc.
Treatment Techniques
The most commonly used techniques in Chiropractic cure are spinal manipulation or process adjustments, acupuncture, massage, physical fitness and exercise promotion, self care strategies. Postural advices, nutritional dietary recommendation, trigger point therapy, stress reduction and activator techniques.
Why it is effective in curing Headaches and Migraines in particular?
Both headache and migraines are often elicited in the cervical spine. As alleged and practiced in Chiropractic cure adjustments are made in the upper cervical spine by using various techniques which directly affects the nerves and muscle tissues which in turn eases the tension headache. And since the nerves in the upper cervical spine are interconnected with the cranial blood vessels, the therapies of Chiropractic are effective in curing migraine headaches also.
A report released by the researcher in 2001 in Duke University states that the therapies and techniques used in Chiropractic cure results in almost immediate relief and improvement in those headaches which originates from neck and spinal cord and most importantly it had lesser side effects than the commonly prescribed medication method. This manner of treatment will also give you long term relief from the pains.
So take care of your health and stay vigorous by using Chiropractic therapies.
Find a registered vancouver chiropractor & book your appointment directly online.
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