A song that the group, Sister Hazel sings is called: Change Your Mind. I wanted to share the chorus with you.

"If you want to be somebody else,
If you're tired of fighting battles with yourself,
If you want to be somebody else.
Change your mind . . ."

These powerful lyrics were written by lead singer Ken Block when he was going through a very hard time in his life. These lyrics have helped many people "change their mind" and their lives but is it really that simple? Can we really just change our mind and then everything is better? Or, is there more to it than that?

Actually, before the mind changing begins we must first change our heart. If your heart is calling out for a different life, a different job, and just something to be different then it has to come from within your heart. Once your heart changes, your mind will then change, and then your spirit will follow and you will feel at peace.

Deep inside you have the tremendous ability to change yourself to become almost anything that you want. Scientists have discovered that the human brain has a fabulous ability to rewire itself (plasticity) and may actually grow new brain cells (neurogenesis). What this means is that with a little practice you can literally retrain your brain to act differently. That is if your heart desires to lead a flourishing life, then you can literally train your mind to become a leader for yourself and others.

Of course it is a lot more complicated than, but to put it simply by using positive thought, and action flowing from that thought, you absolutely can change your mind, but you have to want to -- and you have to do the work. The desire to change comes first from your heart, the emotional part of us, and moves through your mind. Once these two forces match, your spirit comes into alignment with the changes you have made. You know this is true because when your thoughts and actions are aligned you feel settled and content. You just need to want to do it, and you can change your life.


Author's Bio: 

Award winning author, Debra J. Slover's leadership expertise stems from 18 years directing a state youth services program, experience organizing 20 state and national conferences, and running her own consulting firm for over six years. Her website is http://www.leadershipgardenlegacy.com