Everyone has a different opinion about what type of person you are, or what you should accomplish in life. Some people are going to fear or even hate you even though you’ve given them no reason. It may be difficult to accept at times, but you cannot control the thoughts and actions of others.
The best any of us can hope to do is positively affect the opinions of others by our actions and reactions to them and to life, but this can only be effective if you do so on a genuine level; from deep within you. Then, if someone dislikes you for who you are, accept it and let it go. It is after all, just an opinion, their opinion, with no bearing on who you are or your value as a person. After all, you don’t like everyone you meet, and others are just as entitled to their likes or dislikes as you are!
Whatever the opinions and choices of others, regardless of how mean or inconsiderate many may seem, they are and always will be just someone else’s problem, opinion or social issue and not yours, so don’t take them on! Learn to pick and choose those you deem worthy of your time and energy and respond accordingly.
When you think about it, do the inconsiderate really deserve to take any of your time, energy and happiness from you? I think not! One of the best ways to respond to “less than complimentary” comments or jabs from most people is to simply laugh, shake your head and walk away; proving they do not fluster you and thus diminishing their return.

Author's Bio: 

Don Neviaser is a Certified Life Coach and author of four books of motivational/inspirational quotes and perspectives. As a Life Coach he specializes in helping people move beyond restrictive mindsets or debilitating self-perceptions, to a place of inner unity and appreciation for who they are and what they are capable of. He has helped hundreds of people live far more in line with their true-self!
“My standard for success is very straight forward; helping others to genuinely enjoy the gift of life by tuning into their inner most self and accomplishing that which is a true, natural representation of the unique person they are!