May 19, 1780 was an unexplainably “Dark Day” in the northeastern U.S. (Google Dark Day or May 19, 1780).
May 19, 1980, the 200th anniversary, was a dark day after Mt St Helens put ash in the sky over 3 states.
May 19, 2000 was the full moon of a solar system alignment when “Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will line up with the sun and [new] moon—the first time in 6,000 years.” (TIME Magazine, Jan 17, 2000 European Ed.)
It’s interesting that science often has no explanation for supernatural phenomena. How would an explosion off the sun produce rounded spheres orbiting the sun with such precision that scientists can say this event occurred 6,000 years ago. A solar explosion might allow for a jagged piece to orbit the sun for a short time, but to have rounded spheres, at greatly varying distances, and for thousands of years, some planets with their own moons (where did they get their moons, not from an explosion within the planet)?
But if we say the Bible has an explanation, some people wish to be excused as if they are too intellectual.
“Be not ignorant…1000 years with the Lord are as a day, and a day as 1000 years. God is not slack…the day of the Lord will come.” 2Peter 3:8-10 is about a time of judgment. Bible writers believed God gave man six days for work and for this reason, some Bible scholars say that after 6,000 years, the end would come, but that was eight years ago.
Joseph said, “The sun, moon and…stars made obeisance to me,” Gen 37:9. His dream made no sense to his brothers who sold him as a slave to Egypt. But after seven good years, his brothers bowed to him like the stars in his dream during seven years of famine. Since the alignment we’ve had seven good years, but signs suggest trouble is coming.
May 19, 1780 also had a blood red moon. The last eclipse/Blood Red Moon happened on August 28th, 2007.
The next total-eclipse/"blood-red" moon will occur on February 21, 2008. Having another total eclipse this close to a previous one is extremely rare. The Talmud, Mas. Sukkah 29a says a lunar eclipse is a bad omen for Israel. Red Moon at Lunar eclipse: a sword is coming for the whole world. May 19 might include this sign.
Christians believe Christ said we won’t know the day or hour, but Nehemia Gordon, a language scholar who worked on the Dead Sea Scrolls has shown that Matthew has idioms from Hebrew that were poorly translated from the Greek. The three times Christ said, “You don’t know the day or hour” may be understood as “It’s not like you think…” He said it three times, each time giving an example that fit a provision for Passover a month later. (Numbers 9:10,11).
1. You don’t know, but “as the days of Noah” Matt 24:37. The Flood came with Passover timing, but in the 2nd spring month because Noah buried his grandfather Methuselah, who died as a sign the Flood was imminent. His name meant, “at his death, the sending forth of waters” Gen 5:21, margin; see Num 9:10 (dead body). Is judgment near?
2. You don’t know, but “if the goodman…had known… he would have watched.” Matt 24:43. The only O.T. text with “goodman” says, “The goodman is not at home, he is gone a long journey.” He comes home at the yom kece (full moon). Passover comes on a full moon, and “long journey” is a clue for 2nd Passover, Num 9:10,11.
3. You don’t know, “For the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling into a far country,” Matt 25:14. Christ’s return in Judgment (Mal 3:1-3) at 2nd Passover will be a sign to the Jews that He was the Messiah, took a long journey and is returning for the wise virgins who are ready. (Matt 25:1-14; Luke 12:36-44 suggests high reward). 2nd Passover varies from year to year, based on the moon, but this year it happens to fall on May 19.
We believe in positive thinking, but it’s good to know when the bridge is out. Some who don’t read signs are driving 85. For a better biblical understanding of what may be coming, visit
Dr. Richard Ruhling, is a retired MD. He speaks at conferences and gives Total Health Seminars on alternative medicine ( and Bible prophecy topics (, and He is non-denominational.
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