Hemorrhoids or piles is a common ailment that affects millions of people all over the world. It is a medical condition in which veins of the rectal region get inflamed and swollen. The pressure of passing hard stool, pregnancy, or being overweight are some of the common causes for this medical condition. There mainly two types of piles, external and internal. Most of the patients suffer from internal piles. It is a problem which usually causes painless bleeding at the end of bowel movement, whereas in cases of external piles tender lumps can be seen outside the rectum. Bleeding is the most common symptom of piles. However, some may experience dry piles in which pain, itching and sensation of fullness is felt by sufferer but, blood does not ooze out of the anal cavity.

There are several methods to overcome this medical condition. Usage of chemically composed medications and surgery are some of the most common treatment options for piles. But, side effects of chemically composed medications and discomforts of surgery have made people to turn towards an option in which they can get rid of hemorrhoids without going to the doctor. Many people find it difficult to speak about this medical condition they are suffering from, and continue to spend a large amount of their lifetime suffering from it in silence. Such people often try to find a treatment option that can help them to get rid of hemorrhoids without going to the doctor.

Usage of herbal products is one such treatment option that may treat piles at home in a discreet manner. More and more people are getting interested in using herbal products for their health problems, since they are made of natural ingredients. Pilesgon capsule is one of the most popular herbal products that help people to get rid of hemorrhoids without going to the doctor. It is made by using herbs that are acquired from natural sources only. It never induces severe side effects on the user, because it does not contain any harsh chemical that can modify the functioning of internal organs. The potent herbs of Pilesgon capsule help in the formation of new blood to prevent occurrence of blood loss induced anemia which is one of the most common problems associated with piles. It soothes the inflamed veins of anal region and reduces the swelling for painless defecation. Pilesgon capsule improves functioning of digestive system to eliminate chances of constipation which is one of the most common causes for piles.

In order to get rid of hemorrhoids without going to the doctor, it is also essential to make some changes in lifestyle as well as eating habits. Sedentary lifestyle is root cause for several ailments, including piles. So, develop habit of doing light exercises on regular basis. Walking briskly every morning might effectually get rid of hemorrhoids without going to the doctor. Fiber and water are essential for proper functioning of digestive organs. Include fibrous food in your diet and drink at least 8 or 10 glasses of water in a day to relieve piles. Pilesgon capsule can quickly get rid of hemorrhoids without going to the doctor when paired with above mentioned directives.

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