Well of course it works, your reading this one are you not? I did not pay you to come and read my article, I simply wrote it, and then distributed it. You see, it is truly the best way to get people to your product, or website that I have learned in five years. Simply because, well it is free. Unless you pay someone to write the article for you. Which can be expensive. You may need to employ a ghost writer, however, I recommend that you write your own articles, simply by writing an article yourself you develop that personal connection with the customer, also you will be teaching your self a valuable skill.
What do I mean by that? Well if you become a good article writer, it will be something that you can sell as a trade skill. Suddenly people will want to pay you to write articles for them. I truly believe knowledge is power, and I always say knowledge is money. Now there are several things that you must do if you want to learn article writing. Some of it you might already know, but some of you may not. So I’m going to tell you a few tips, and you never know you just might learn something. Keep in mind that your content must be good.
Try and inform people of things that are maybe not common knowledge. Now do not worry, every article you write does not have to be some Earth shattering revelation. Most are not. Some articles can just be about a personal experience you have regarding your chosen niche, or field. Maybe even just a review about a new product. People love to read reviews, it helps them to make a decision on whether or not to purchase a product. Also if you maintain a blog, do not feel like you have to write something in it every day, two to three times per week is enough to get good rankings, and keep a regular following. You do not have to be like me, I write everyday because I love to write, and I have so much knowledge I want to share with you guys to help you learn article writing .
Things I wished people had told me when I first go into the business of Internet marketing. It would have made my life so much easier. Anyways, let me give you some quick tips to keep in mind when writing your average blog entry or article. Try and keep it between 350 to 500 words. Too short, and you can not get your message across, too long and the reader gets bored. To get the proper traffic to your site, use action, or buyer oriented keywords. If you sell golf clubs, do not write about relaxing past times for men, write about the golf clubs themselves, the dimensions, the price maybe even mention a sale your having. Just use common sense, put keywords into your article that you would type in if you were looking to by a new set of clubs. Make sure you never put more then 3% of the keywords in the total article though. With proper technique, you can learn article writing that can bring you thousands in traffic, and sales.
Hi, I’m Trevor Poulson, expert author, and internet marketer, for 5 years now, to really
learn article writing check out my site for great free info!
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