As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest
appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”
—John F. Kennedy
Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all
the others.”
Just as you are grateful you did not answer all those knocks of opportunity, be grateful that god did not answer all your prayers.
Gratitude is the heart’s memory.
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what
we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings 
peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. —Melody Beattie (submitted by John Moser)
Gratitude is the vision that seeks the gift
and recognizes how gifted we are.
This vision has always been recognized
as a core experience of spirituality.
—Jonathon Edwards
Just as you are grateful
you did not answer all those knocks of opportunity
be grateful that god did not answer all your prayers.
For most of us gratitude is a recognition of all we have been given,
and the honest appraisal of the gifts.
It’s amazing the program teaches you
to be grateful for the good,
bad and the ugly of one’s past
there is no such thing as gratitude unexpressed.
If it is unexpressed, it is plain, old-fashioned ingratitude.
—Robert Brault
The perfect day—
to wake up in gratitude
and to go to sleep in peace.
—Tuchy Palmieri
Gratitude is heaven itself. —William Blake
Service and gratitude are ingredients in humble pie. —Tuchy Palmieri
Gratitude is the hearts memory.
Gratitude is an art of painting an adversity into a lovely picture. —Kak Sri
Gratitude is the best attitude.
The perfect day starts with gratitude and ends with peace.
Beauty fades and trophies tarnish.
The perfect day to wake up in gratitude and to go to sleep in peace.
Maintaining an attitude of gratitude increases ones altitude.
There is no such thing as gratitude unexpressed. If it is unexpressed, it is plain, old-fashioned ingratitude. —Robert Brault
Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: it must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all. —William Faulkner
Be grateful for your failures as they make success a possibility.
Men are forever grateful that the destination of sex requires many, many journeys.
Don’t focus on what you lost but on what you have. —Chuck Agid
How and actor acts after the applause is as important as an act during the play.
Some people are under the impression that all streets are two way. —Tuchy Palmieri
There is no greater difference between men than between grateful and ungrateful people. —R.H. Blyth
It’s amazing the program teaches you to be grateful for the good, bad and the ugly of one’s past —Tuchy Palmieri
If you ask and do not receive then ask again —Tuchy Palmieri
The road to oblivion is paved with, maybe and roofed with I don’t know.
When it comes to wealth we each have our own ruler —Tuchy Palmieri
Often one must close his eyes to see the light,
The best leaf to turn over is the one to vegetables,
Time marches on if you do not march with it; it will pass you by,
The surest way to lose time is to let it run away, —Tuchy Palmieri
The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement.
Comparison is the root of all evil. —Stu Clymer
Integrity is the wild card that trumps everything else. —Tuchy Palmieri
When you have one foot in yesterday, one foot in tomorrow, you are likely to fall on your rear today.
Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work so most people don’t recognize them.
Being filled with gratitude, keeps out the trash of the past.
Fast on self pity and feast on gratitude.
Gratitude, when tended to every day, expands and gets strong. Likewise if untended it shrinks and weakens, and so does the person.
Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.
Gratitude fosters good. Pity fosters bad.
An attitude of gratitude increases your altitude.
For most of us gratitude is a recognition of all we have been given, and the honest appraisal of the gifts.
Be grateful everything does not come up roses. —Tuchy Palmieri
Be grateful for your failures as they make success a possibility.
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.
Gratitude is the door to love. Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone. —G.B. Stern
Gratitude is heaven itself. —William Blake
Courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and appreciating heart. —Henry Clay

Author's Bio: 

Curriculum Vitae of Tuchy Palmieri
• University of Bridgeport -- BS Marketing
• Post graduate courses at NYU
• Countless self study courses in health, religion, spirituality, self help, and personal growth.
• Attended motivational and spiritual workshops from Tony Robbins, , Werner Erhard, Justin Sterling, Zig Zigler, Wayne Dyer, M. Scott Peck, Deepak Chopra Carolyn Myss, Barbra Brennan, and others
• Training seminars The Sedona method, the Silva method, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Dale Carnegie‘s basic and leadership courses.—
• Health and healing workshops -The Way to health at The Kushi Institute (Macrobiotic cooking method), Living lite (raw food course with meal preparation) Perfect Health at The Chopra Center (included Ayurvedic food preparation)
• Completed numerous readings and listening to audio tapes of programs from people such as Dennis Waitley, Norman Vincent Peale, Steve Covey, Thich Nhat Hanh, John Gray, Brian Tracy, Sam Shoemaker, And Og Mandino, Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Scott Peck, Werner Erhard, Emmet Fox, and others

• Web information search Tuchy Palmieri search Tuchy Palmieri

• Certified Catholic Minister of the word having completed the two year Daystar Program, concluded in a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
• Founded, operated, sold, and then retired from a corporation in the computer sales and service, which employed 38 people in inner city.
1) Winner of highest award for achievement at the Dale Carnegie courses.
2) Conducted as retreat leader religion/spiritual 12 step orientation weekends.
3) Recipient of the Governor’s Award for Connecticut inner city Entrepreneurship.
• Upon Retirement, founded Healing-Habits a firm dedicated to helping people through the written and spoken word.
• Published and/or written 25 books in the genres of inspiration, motivation, spirituality, health, and religion
• A regular contributor to the AuthorsDen, under the Pen name Tuchy Palmieri consisting of Short stories, poetry and articles.
• Workshop leader on Goal setting/achievement, relationships, effective listening and relationships
• 40 years experience leading discussion meetings, seminars and workshops
• Mentored, ministered and sponsored numerous cross addicted people in recovery.
• Featured in a number of magazines, newspapers, and talk shows
• A regular participant in the Author’s roundtable in Borders, and a guest on numerous spiritual and talk radio programs

• 26 years as a leader and member of the local Sterling Institute of Relationship men’s team
• 25 years in 12 step programs related to relationships, food addictions, & substance abuse
• Annual participant in Matt Talbot and/or religious retreats at Holy Family Retreat house
• SIA - Self Improvement Association
• Member of the Better Business Bureau