In some women, menstrual periods are associated with symptoms severe enough to disrupt their normal daily life. Such signs may appear within 14 days prior to the beginning of a period. Up to 15 percent of adverse PMS symptom sufferers report having nausea, dizziness, hot flashes, cramping, insomnia or depressed moods.

Even though the connection between PMS and blood pressure changes had not been scientifically proven before, today most papers agree that they have many risk factors in common and apparently share a certain number of mechanisms.

High Blood Pressure during Menstrual Cycle

In fact, at least several American studies have shown that some circulatory problems are indeed linked to high blood pressure and related symptoms that women experience during menstrual cycles. Statistically speaking, heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke, as well as hypertension are about 40 percent more likely to occur in females suffering from severe symptoms of PMS.

Furthermore, the risk group mainly consists of women under 40 years of age, who show the largest tendency to experience high blood pressure in connection with their premenstrual syndrome. The risk is significantly increased in cases of overweight, high sodium consumption, as well as in heavy eaters, smokers and those women leading a sedentary lifestyle. All this points us to a conclusion that heart health should be of a great concern to women who tend to experience the bothering side effects during their period.

Dizziness during Periods

In nearly three out of four women PMS comes to a peak around their mid-20s. Hormone fluctuations are the main reason those unpleasant symptoms are triggered. Aside from cramps, bloating and headaches the most usual symptom, probably, is dizziness. Normally, it does not last long and wears off after a few minutes.

What is important to know at the same time, is that, in terms of health risk, period-related dizziness is not something to be worried about. Sometimes, however, you may feel strongly lightheaded or like it is going to throw you off balance. Those feelings are caused by an abrupt drop in your blood pressure, the same that happens when you stand up too quickly or eat a big meal.

Maintaining Healthy Blood Pressure

On the whole, the blood pressure level women should aim for is 120 systolic (the volume of blood being pumped out of the heart on full contraction) and 80 diastolic (the volume of blood that is pumped to the body when the heart is resting without contracting). Still, both these limits vary from person to person causing differences in individual optimal blood pressure levels.

Sometimes, the amplified responses to menstrual changes in your body may increase the risk of fainting. Women who are susceptible to fainting during their period are advised to plan their routine accordingly so that not to get traumatized. Appropriate body hydration is essential as well as avoiding getting overheated. Make sure you also introduce other significant lifestyle changes, such as eating healthily, reducing sodium in your diet and cutting back on caffeine. All this will allow you to maintain healthy blood pressure levels and make for your general well-being.

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Blood pressure fluctuations depend on different factors. To know more about the causes of high blood pressure, visit