There are many eczema home remedies, but I'll present two of the more common ones, with their pluses and minuses. I'll also present the most common pharmaceutical solution. Try each one or do some research on your own until you find one that works best for you.

Lotions, creams and ointments made of Chinese herbal formulas have been used to treat or eliminate eczema. By applying these topical treatments directly onto the affected areas, swelling and itching decreases.

The leaves of this herb are particularly beneficial for treating eczema. First, you need to make a paste from Mahua leaves, and apply it as bandage over the inflamed area. It offers immediate relief to itchy pains. However, the bandage needs to be changed at least 8-10 times within 24 hours.

Resist the urge to scratch, no matter how strong. Scratching increases inflammation, causing more scaling and potentially introducing infection. Creams and lotions may help, but the best solution is to avoid scratching. Primrose oil, chamomile, and licorice root all contain GLA. GLA is a fatty acid essential to proper body function. The average daily dose of primrose oil is 2-4 grams and should never be taken on an empty stomach. It can take as much as six months or even more for the results of primrose oil to show up; so it is important to be patient. Across Europe, primrose oil is the preferred way to help with eczema and related problems with skin.

When you're washing the dishes or doing housework, wear gloves, as harsh chemicals and soaps can dry your hands out even more. If you use rubber gloves, protect your hands with a cotton liner. Find these liners in drug stores and medical supply stores.

Apply a topical treatment throughout the day. Find an oatmeal-based lotion or thick cream for cracked skin. Avoid lotions with perfume or chemicals. This lotion or cream should be applied to the entire body after bathing. If you keep the area moisturized and clean, the eczema should clear up on its own.

Aloe vera provides vitamins and minerals while also having a soothing affect on damaged skin. Aloe vera is commonly used topically in gel form but can also be taken in capsules. These days, flaxseed oil supplements are available in markets, which are believed to reduce the severity of eczema significantly. This was about the natural cures for eczema. Here are some tips regarding cleanliness. Vinegar is another wildly used remedy for candida. Even if vinegar is acidic, and should not be used in your diet if you have chronic yeast, you can dilute it with water and use it to relief the yeast infection itching. The apple cider vinegar it seems more effective than the other types of vinegar.

Author's Bio: 

Author is an online medical researcher on eczema treatment and skin care. Click read more on eczema treatment, acne treatment.