The metropolis coffee

There are a couple of qualities that make coffee perfect for a cold brew. The metropolis coffee for cold brewing is dark in color. It also comes with some added flavors such as chocolate and walnut. One important thing to note about this coffee brand is their strong commitment when it comes to freshness. The coffee beans are roasted on daily basis from Monday to Thursday according to orders they receive. This ensures the customers receive a high quality and fresh coffee for their cold brews. However, you will have to dig dip in your pockets when purchasing their coffee. It is a bit costly, but this is okay considering the good job that is done.

The Peet’s Baridi coffee blend

The Peet’s coffee is also great for cold brewing. Its beans origin is the East African countries most notably Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Rwanda. These are countries that are known to be growers and producers of the best coffee due to the favorable climatic conditions in the regions. This is obviously one of the reasons why their coffee beans were picked among the rest, to optimize taste and aroma. The Peet’s Baridi coffee blend is of a medium roast and very well meets most expectations of those who like cold coffee.

The Cold Buzz coffee

The Cold Buzz coffee is made of the Arabica type of coffee beans. There are various flavors of the coffee blend to choose from that suit your taste and preference. In addition, it is sweet, simple to brew and of high quality. The coffee is offered in pre-ground beans already put in small bags or sachets. All that is there to be done is getting two cups of water and adding a bag of the coffee to it. Leave it overnight in a refrigerator and in the morning you will have your cold home brew coffee.

The Stone Street Coffee

The Stone Street coffee offers coffee beans sourced from Colombia, one of the renowned coffee growing region. The beans are of high quality and dark roasted with the intention of making the best cold coffee brew. The most appealing part of it is the nicely balanced flavor and sweet aroma. The beans are either pre-ground or whole for selection of what suite you best. The products may be relatively expensive but the quality being offered is worth the price.

The Café du Monde coffee

The main highlight of this coffee is the chicory that is added to it. This gives it a rich, well-balanced flavor with less bitterness perfect for a cold brew. While some of the cold coffee brands may lose the original taste when milk is added, the Café du Monde coffee is quite the opposite. It still maintains the delicious flavor when some milk or even cream is incorporated into it. This is an added advantage to those who can’t do without some milk in their coffee. In addition, the coffee beans come at an affordable price and can be found in most of the stores and shops.

Author's Bio: 

I am a professional writer and loves to write on different topics like SEO, Health, Money Making, Fashion etc. It is my Hobby and passion.