Most people would admit that they would like to be wealthy but did you know your relationship with money will determine whether you will become wealthy or not.
Our beliefs and perceptions about money can help us or hold us back, for instance look at these two meanings.
Money is the root of all evil or Money makes the world go round.
What meaning you attach to money will either move you towards it or away from it.
Lets go back in time to the actual meaning of money, centuries ago money was used to exchange goods, so money is a vehicle that allows us to exchange goods or a service. When you think about it money is made from paper or metal, in essence that's all money is, and only becomes more because we attach a meaning to it, there are numerous other things made from paper and metal, but we do not give them the same meaning.
Many of us pick up beliefs about money from our childhood, I remember that one of my family members would make comments about wealthy people and say they got rich by ripping people off or by illegal dealings. There were many comments such as "money doesn't grow on trees", " who do you think I am Rockerfella" or "don't be greedy".
I admit this childhood programming didn't cultivate a good relationship with money for me but the point is I picked this up unconsciously they were not my beliefs but I took them on as my own. I realised if I wanted to be wealthy I had to challenge them.
If you have a resentment for wealthy people, you distrust them or feel uncomfortable around them, I'm afraid you will NEVER become wealthy yourself, " how can you become someone you do not like?"
Some of us think in a rich way and some of us think in a poor way, and depending on the way you currently think will determine your results in life. Those that think rich, think in possibilities that will take them towards wealth and freedom. Those that think poor, think in terms of what they cant have that takes them away from possibility, it's the I can or I can't scenario.
You have what is known in psychology as a money barometer or thermostat, its an amount of money that you feel comfortable earning, like the name suggests your unconscious mind works like a thermostat, if you set a thermostat to keep the room at a constant temperature as soon as it drops the thermostat kicks in turns on the heating and warms the room until it reaches the temperature to which it's set, the only way to change the temperature in the room is to reprogramme the thermostat.
This is the same with your money thermostat, if you believe that your worth is about £30,000 per year it is unlikely that you earn £100,000. Unless you reprogramme your money thermostat to £100,000.
A few years ago research into this theory was tested on salespeople, it was found that when the salesperson reached their worth (what they believed they could comfortably earn) they would unconsciously sabotage any attempts to earn above that, such as not making calls, not following up, assuming someone would not want what they had to offer etc, up until this point they had no problems at all. When these salespeople raised their money thermostat they easily achieved their targets and those that did not have an 'upper limit' exceeded everyone's expectations.
I want you to think about this question and answer it honestly. "If you saw an advertisement for a job that you knew your were qualified to do, would you apply if the salary was three times what you were currently earning or would you doubt yourself? I suspect the latter is probably true?
What are your beliefs about money, where did they come from, can you actually find evidence to back up your beliefs? Is it true that all rich people are devious and untrustworthy. I think not, in fact many of them are the nicest people I know.
There's a lot more to this than I can possibly write here but my intention is to give you a brief overview of how your thinking about money could hold you back from your success. The way we think and the thought patterns we establish have a lot to do with our achievements. I just want to challenge your current thinking as it's my passion to remove any barriers that may become in the way of you and success and your relationship with money is one of them.
Cultivate for yourself a better money/wealth perspective.
To assist you to do this I would like you to answer these questions honestly.
1. What are my beliefs about money?
2. What do I think of wealthy people?
3. My fear about money is?
4. What can money do for me?
5. What money cannot do for me?
6. My money thermostat is currently?
7. I deserve money because?
Have fun with this, stretch your viewpoints, challenge your thoughts. And then see if your perspective has changed.
I would like to add a comment about being rich and being wealthy, for a lot of people this means two different things. In this post when I use the word rich thinking I mean in money terms. You can also be rich if you have a happy and fulfilling life without being wealthy, so bear this in mind, money allows you to have choices but you can still have a rich life without a vast quantity of money.
Shelley Harris - Life Transformations. Experience in assisting women to find the emotional or mental barriers that are holding them back from living the life they want.
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