I was searching for something I loved doing that would create massive amounts of money.

I had no idea what it would be. All I knew was that I was sick and tired of doing the same thing I'd been doing. It was time for a change. I found I could turn my passion for the workings of the human mind into an information empire. I would write a book on how you could change your life by just changing one thing.

The only problem was, I didn't know anything about writing or about how you get a book published. I'd never created a product or even thought about creating anything. In fact, I had always believed I wasn't creative at all! So I went on a 2 year expensive, time consuming odyssey to learn what I needed to "make it." And still I was left with big gaping holes.

In the end I realized the gurus I had gone to for these pieces of the puzzle, knew all the steps that were necessary. They had taken those steps to create their financial empire. And every once in a while, in a private conversation, they would mention little tips and strategies they've used to get where they are…But those secrets were never revealed in public.

I kept asking myself...“If all these really successful, wealthy people know the whole system necessary to do what they've done, why aren't any of them teaching it?”

Well, I'm not the kind of person to give up until I get the answers I'm looking for. I realized my mentors weren't trying to hide the secrets. They knew what to do, but they couldn't dissect it to create a teachable system.

Don't get me wrong. I learned a tremendous amount of information from the products I bought, the seminars I attended and the mentoring and protégé programs I joined (in fact, I spent well over $100,000 in just the first 2 years!), and I would spend every dime again because the investment I made in my future was well worth it.

Now, 4 years later, I'm a highly successful entrepreneur, speaker and author, and I'm living the life of my dreams. I believe that one of the greatest surprises in a woman's life is when she realizes she can do the very thing she was afraid to even dream of.

I found something I love to do and I'm making a fabulous living doing it. Remember when I said I didn't feel creative at all when I first started out? Well, since then, I've created so many products I can't even list them all here!

I've been featured in magazines, interviewed on radio, co-authored 5 books, including a Barnes & Noble #1 best seller, written one of my own, featured in other books and invited to teach at large seminars, as well as doing many of my own. You see, I just got tired of always looking for the next person to give me the information I needed to move ahead. Do you ever feel that way?

I wanted to be able to see the whole big picture. I knew I was ready for more detailed, focused information and I bet you are, too. I believe if you had all the steps at one time, in a system you could easily follow, you could reach your goals much faster. Whether you're totally green or a seasoned entrepreneur who wants to achieve higher levels of success. That's why I created the Women's Business Empowerment Summit.

Author's Bio: 

Lynn Pierce, founder of the "Women's Business Empowerment Summit", brings you over 25 years of successfully teaching how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of your dreams. If you're an entrepreneur, speaker, aspiring author or information marketers, Lynn will mentor you to: Discover your real expertise and passion, Develop a blueprint for the life of your dreams, and Design a passive cash generating business individually built for you. Find out more about the Women’s Business Empowerment Summit at http://www.WomensBusinessEmpowermentSummit.com.