There are those among us who were born to do, and others that were born to think. You also have the few who think about doing all the time, but never accomplish anything. If you want to become a person of action, a doer not a thinker, you should understand that the techniques, which work for some, may not work for you.
Doers, movers and shakers typically are organized and understand exactly how to move from one project to the other without effort. On the other hand, there are those who will stumble around a disorganized world moving but not really comprehending why. When the day is done, the mover is energized even more than before because they have fed of getting things done.
Someone who flounders is still flopping around at the end of the day, failing to understand why they are exhausted and little if anything has been accomplished. It is at this point they take a step away from it all to assess the day's work; unfortunately, they will deceive themselves and convince themselves that at least some progress was made when in fact nothing has been accomplished.
Organization is a very important tool for these people. Both home and business will need a to do list that has been thoroughly prioritized. Make the list and then put the most important chores on the top, do them first! When you are done, scratch off each job and glory in the satisfaction. Avoid the temptation to mark off half done goals, do not rationalize it away simply because you do not want to do it, this is cheating.
Reward yourself once you have accomplished every task on your list. Celebrate your victories even if you do not quite complete it all in one day. You will now have something concrete to look forward to, think of it as an incentive to do more. It is very important that you are honest at this point and only accept a reward when you deserve it.
Another viable option is to visualize the task you need to complete until you can tackle it; the thought is list making can take too much time. You may want to sit in a quiet area alone and think about the goal you want to accomplish. Imagine yourself doing it, each detail is important. Fantasize each small step, whatever the job requires until you have the strength to tackle it.
Your thoughts actually transform into energy as you focus on one task or central thought. Allow this energy to build until you can feel it pushing you to perform the action you are concentrating upon.
Energy will build up to the point that you are forced to act on it. When this happens take advantage of the boost. Even if you are only energized to do a small piece of the project use this time to complete it quickly. This energy is not permanent so you need to take advantage of it while you can.
If this sounds foreign, you may not realize you have actually used mind energy force before. Have you ever had a problem that you simply could not find a solution to? You concentrate on the situation, clear your mind or even "sleep on it" and suddenly you have the answer! This is mind energy force in action without your knowledge. Finally, keep in mind that a happy attitude is important. People who are happy are generally active individuals. Surround yourself with happy people, this will help change your attitude and therefore change your actions.
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