Summer brings bright sunshine at its peak- rise in temperature means more sweating. Summer is also a time to be wary of dehydration-lack of sufficient water in the body. Our body needs water to function properly and prevents it from dehydration. To balance the body heat in hot weather, our body discards heat through sweating. As sweat evaporates, it cools the tissues beneath. Lots of sweating reduces the body’s water level, and this loss of fluid affects the normal work of the body.

Fatigue, dizziness, less urination or darker than usual, dry mouth–are few unpleasant signs of dehydration. To cope with them you have to keep up a good amount of fluids intake.

Our body loses water every day through natural functions, but dehydration occurs when we lose more body fluids that we are taking in our body.

Because human beings are made up of water and electrolytes mostly, so we need to maintain the proper balance of these in our system.

To stay alive water is a must requirement for overall health. It improves your mood, boosts brain functions and promotes wellness.

Pay attention to the possible symptoms of Dehydration; physical dehydration including headaches, fatigue, vomiting, and feeling of irritability.

Here are a few tips to avoid dehydration and to prevent fluid loss:-

1- Quench thirst before you feel thirsty
Water is a necessary ingredient for survival –as well as for optimal physical and mental performance. So drink 10-12 glasses every day if you are 19 years or more.

Start your day with oatmeal
This is a healthy and heart-friendly option. When oatmeal is cooked, they expand and absorb milk or water and you can sprinkle chia seeds which soak up water 10 times more than their weight and keep you full all day.

Ditch dry carb diet
Opt for vegetables such as zucchini, a mushroom which can contain about 90-955% water. Take advantage of summer fruits such as melons, which are hydrating and refreshing.

Sip smoothies
Yogurt and all fresh fruit smoothies are a great, tasty and yummy way to stay hydrated. Strawberries, peaches, cucumbers smoothies are an excellent option.

Pack your plate with vegetables
Much like smoothies; salads are a great way to give you a hydrating boost. Most of the lettuce greens contain at least 94% of water.

Slurp soup
When the craving strikes, you can enjoy cold soups for a filling and hydrating meal.

Freeze your fruit
Feeling nostalgic about frozen eatables that you used to relish in your childhood!! Bring back this delicious way to hydrate you, for example-blend a hydrating ingredient like watermelon, fill it in an ice tray and then freeze it, treat yourself with this classy rehydrate.

Take electrolytes
Within the human body, electrolytes do everything from regulating the functions of your nerves and muscles to balancing your blood pressure. They are essential for hydrating the body; without them, water would have no way to get into your bloodstream and cells. Some of the most important electrolytes in the body include sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Coconut water is a good source of these electrolytes, so go and replenish your body with fresh coconut water.

Try decaffeinating drinks
Drinks such as herbal tea, organic green coffee, and fresh fruit juices are a good option for keeping you fresh and energetic all day.

However, for optimal hydration – you have to follow these tips; have plenty of seasonal vegetables and fruits. Track your liquid intake in more...

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