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IBPS PO Recruitment has begun and the applicants who have applied for this must be curious to know the recruitment process. Below given is the complete recruitment process:

A. Written Examination
The Written Examination will include of Objective Test and vivid Test details of which are provided here under:
a) Objective Test
Objective Test consisting of examination of Reasoning, Test of English Language, Test of Quantitative ability, Test of General knowledge with special position to Banking Industry, Test of Computer information (250 Questions carrying total weight age of 225 with total time period of 150 minutes).
* Test of Reasoning
* Test of English Language
* Test of Quantitative ability
* Test of General knowledge with special reference to Banking Industry
* Test of Computer understanding

There will be punishment for wrong answers scored in the objective tests which will result in negative marks for each wrong answer i.e., one fourth or 0.25 of the marks allocated to that question will be subtracted. If the total of the punishment for a test is in fraction, the marks obtained will be curved off to the close integer.

b) Descriptive Test
Descriptive test on English Composition will include 3 required questions (Essay, précis writing, letter writing etc). The Descriptive exam carries total marks of 50 and weight age for the similar will be 25. The period to take this test is one hour. The question paper for over test both Objective and Descriptive apart from the Test of English Language and Descriptive Paper will be on paper bilingual i.e. English and Hindi. Bank will choose the minimum cut-off marks for every test plus Total Weight age Marks.

Depending on the number of vacancies, such of those applicants who rank adequately high in the order of merit in the written test as stated by the cut off marks decided by the Bank will only be called for the next round i.e. interview round.

B. Interview
The Interview will take 50 Marks. Minimum succeeding marks in the interview will be 22.50 marks for General Category and 20.00 marks for SC/ST/OBC/Physically Challenged students. Final choice will be made on the basis of collective marks obtained by the applicants in the written examination and Interview and will be severely according to the merit grade.

All the above things are held under the supervision of IBPS.

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