I know someone whose child has an allergy medicine because they were two years old. After a six-year-old child is still taking it. When a child is taken out of the product, this child class children noticed the difference between the child's personality. The child was as aggressive or irritable. Their mother noticed it.
The child told her mother that they feel happy in the morning now, not crabby. This made me wonder about the behavioral side effects of prescription drugs, especially allergy medicine. I asked, a licensed pharmacist, Trez, to these questions. I hope you find them useful.
Decide whether to use drugs during pregnancy can be challenging. Although it appears that some of the drugs may be harmless during pregnancy, while others increase the risk of birth defects or cause other problems. Some recipes start can not hurt, but it may affect your child in the distant future. Obviously, it is important to learn about taking medications during pregnancy safety.
If you have a health condition that needs medical treatment, you have to weigh the risks of taking a medication to treat your condition properly benefit. Common health conditions that must be constantly depressed, thyroid imbalances, high blood pressure, AIDS, diabetes, and asthma. The proper treatment of these conditions during pregnancy will provide the healthiest start for your baby. It is important to discuss your medical condition with your doctor when you know that you are pregnant so that appropriate treatment can be planned.
Drug Safety Determination
Your doctor will help you choose the safest medication use during pregnancy. Most drug gets into your bloodstream and can cross the placenta, a process called "diffusion", finally reaching your baby. Factors affecting drug transport across the placenta of drug molecules in size (no larger molecules can pass through), and it binds to proteins (for "free" molecules cross) and whether it will dissolve better in water or lipids (fats). If the drug can not penetrate the placenta, he will not be able to reach your baby. If the drug crosses the placenta easily, your baby may be exposed to a high degree.
Question 1) When you read the information about your child's prescription drug side effects can be seen, can cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, but what about the consequences of behavior?
Answer: The number of side effects, especially in children, it is important to look for. It's time to shape your personality to grow up healthy, etc.
2) How often does the product work?
Answer: It depends on what kind of medicine. XXX (allergy medicine) the treatment of the side effects listed by less common side effects. This means that occurs less than other side effects, but it can still happen to your child.
3) What are the most common side effects of treatment?
Answer: XXX (allergy medicine) - mood changes, agitation, aggressive behavior, bad / angry dreams, depression, anxiety, hallucinations, irritable, restless, tremor, sleep disturbances.
4) What are the questions parents ask your doctor about your child's prescription medication?
Answer: a) What is a drug? (B) How to use? (C) How to save it? (D) side effects? (E) when to stop using? (F) Possible monitoring aspects, laboratory tests, etc.? (G) What is an allergic reaction? (H), then reads the information on this medicine? (I) What side effects? (J) questions, ask your doctor to ask related to medicine?
5) what parents should know their children taking this medicine?
Answer: (a) When to start and stop the medicine. (B) How often does your child need medical care. (C) Acute vs. chronic medication.
6) If the parents ask their doctor about slowly introducing a new product?
Answer: It is sometimes used in clinical settings desensitize certain conditions. It really depends on the condition and practices.
Allexi is a natural medicine for allergy that helps to get rid of all signs and symptoms of allergy.
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