I’ve purchased and read dozens and dozens of books over the past 5 years. From "Think and Grow Rich" to "The Science of Getting Rich", and they are all great books. They tell you great philosophies about life, but the one thing I found missing were the step by step instructions.

The one thing that was clear to me is you create your own reality by your thoughts. It’s not as easy to change our thoughts as you may think. And more importantly knowing how to make the techniques “stick.”

As countless researchers have discovered, the brain is like a computer. In fact, it’s more powerful than any computer that has been built. About two years ago I read a little book by Dr Shad Helmstetter, “What To Say When You Talk to Your Self.” Reading the book the first time it seemed too easy to be true. But the truth of the matter is, you can reprogram your brain. If Dr Helmstetter is right, then all the words we say to ourself makes us who we are and is the secret to changing into who you want to be.

It seems that the human mind is incapable of not thinking; at least on a subconscious level. At about 55000 thoughts per day one has to admit we spend an inordinate amount of time thinking. But that is what makes us human.

With all the negative input that we receive from our parents, teachers, peers and television, our brain must receive a lot of positive input to overcome the negative. Our parents didn’t know any better. Grandparents believed spare the rod - spoil the child. But nothing is as bad as not hearing positive feedback as a child. If all you heard was how awful or clumsy you were or bad you were, well guess what ladies and gents, that’s what you will believe. After all you’re being told this by the most important people in your life. So we’ve been repeatedly told the wrong things about our life and who we are.

Scientist can prove your brain can retain everything it’s ever seen or heard even if you don’t have conscious access to the information. Every sight, every experience, every uttering and every input you have ever had is still imprinted there.

These memories create a self fulfilling prophecy. Think back to some of the negative verbal input that is still operating in your life today. Negative self talk hangs in the background all day whispering in your ear, “I’m not good enough", "I can’t lose weight", "I’m not organized”.

The only process that works to make permanent change is repetition. Whatever the brain hears over and over again it will eventually believe. You are getting brainwashed and the most powerful brainwasher is YOU. The key to success is repetition. If you listen to enough good input, your brain will have no choice but to believe. It will begin to believe those good thoughts and eventually lead to a good life.

I would be curious to hear your experience around self talk. What’s your biggest challenge or win with self talk?

Author's Bio: 

Linda Hampton RN, MSN and Client Attraction Strategist helps sole practitioners and small business owners to grow their business by attracting more clients and doing it in less time with more success while enjoying life more. Ms. Hampton's educational background is somewhat varied holding a degree in social work, nursing and a master’s degree in administration. She is also the author of Curing Toxic Stress.
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