British researchers have managed to teach a computer to come up with magic tricks. This is the first time that a form of artificial intelligence is used to create new magic tricks that can be performed by people.

The researchers showed the computer to know how certain magic tricks - like a card trick where the magician supposedly can read minds - worked in rough lines. Then they shared the results of experiments were also aimed at the computer, providing more insight into how people can understand and easily handle magic tricks. Based on these data, the computer then created completely with the new variants of the magic tricks.

Lots of information

Artificial intelligence can handle much larger amounts of information than a person and more efficiently run through all the possible outcomes," says researcher Howard Williams. "So even though, someone in the audience may have seen a variation in a trick before, now you can use artificial intelligence, psychological and mathematical principles to devise many different versions, which keeps the audience guessing."

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Enthusiastic audience

The researchers showed the magic tricks invented by the computer and to the general public was enthusiastic. One of the variants invented a magic trick with a card game. Now even available in the Google Play Store. Here are a number of cards displayed in a specific way, and the magician - based on seemingly innocuous bits of information that the public gives him to identify the card chosen by the public.

Using the app, the magician can then display map on a phone screen. The computer was used to deposit the cards in such a way that a specific card can be identified with as little as possible information. Very concretely the magician compared with the traditional approach and one question to put less before it can select the correct card. The app simply ensures that the magician does not have to remember the order of the cards.


The magical jigsaw was another trick that the computer was fine from the feet. A magician makes this puzzle. The puzzle shows different forms. Then the magician has again set the puzzle and make it again. On the puzzle that will be displayed, are missing some. At the conclusion of this trick several factors: the size of the puzzle, the number of puzzle pieces, the number of forms that appears and disappears, and the number of ways the puzzle can be put together. Such a complex situation with many variables is highly suitable for a form of artificial intelligence to process and come up with variations on this trick by changing certain variables.

"Using Artificial Intelligence to create magic tricks is a great way to demonstrate the possibilities of computer intelligence," says researcher Peter McOwan. "And it is also part of our research into the psychology of the viewer.

Author's Bio: 

Misty Jhones