It is a widely held belief that aromas and odors can be potent reminders of our past experiences. Our sense of smell is by far the strongest in provoking memories from our past thus allowing these memories to enter into our awareness with incredible detail. “Aroma-memory” associations have become known to be very powerful and enduring experiences.
Here is a brief breakdown how the olfactory system works. “Humans can detect over 10,000 "odorants," or substances that stimulate the sense of smell, and can detect some of these at concentrations as low as a few parts per trillion”. Animals have an even stronger sense of smell. Certain olfactory receptor cells line the upper reaches of the nasal cavity in a sheet of olfactory epithelium. Hair-like cilia dangle from the ends of the cells into the mucous layer covering the epithelium, where odor molecules bind to membrane receptors on the cilia.
The electrical signal generated when an olfactory sensory neuron is activated is passed along to a secondary neuron residing in the bulb, and from here the signal goes by way of the olfactory tract to other brain areas stimulating the brain this is why we have such strong emotional, physical and mental reactions to certain scents and orders. I find it absolutely fascinating that the opening of the nose and the brain are very close in proximity just about 2 inches apart well, give or take depending on the size of the nose.
For test taking memory recall there are three basic steps:
• Step One: I sit down with a client and find a scent that is pleasing but not familiar it is very important that I create a new “Aroma-memory” experience.
• Step Two: I instruct my clients that they should inhale this aroma each and every time they are studying for their test. This can easily be done by direct palm inhalation or I prefer to make my clients a “Focus” inhaler infused with their personal scent.
Together we have created the perfect “aroma memory association” between my clients chosen essential oil and the academic subject being studied.
• Step Three:Before they take their test they are instructed to close their eyes take a few deep inhales of their chosen scent. Since together we have created an association between the aroma and the academic subject the aroma will help to stimulate the brain to recall the information studied.
Remember you want to create a new Aroma~memory
Here are a few of my recommendations:
Anise, pimpinella anisum,
Juniper Berry ,juniperus communis,
Floracopeia’s “Breath” blend “Breath” has such a unique and beautiful scent.
A known fact is that stressing over anything in life can breakdown the immune system some more great news about essential oils all of these essential oils will enhance and build your overall immune system.
*This wonderful technique is not only helpful in test taking I have had great success with clients preparing for an important speech or work presentation.
Pines, M. "Seeing, Hearing and Smelling the World – new findings help scientists make sense of our senses", 1997,
"Neuroscience For Kids." UW Faculty Web Server. Web. 22 Oct. 2010. .
Robin Barnette has been certified as an Aromatherapist by the American College of Health Sciences and by Floracopeia Essential oils. Throughout her life, Robin has sought the benefits of alternative medicine as she has seen the amazing healing benefits first-hand. Her evolution in the alternative healing arts have taken her from being a ERYT 500 Yoga Instructor by The Yoga Alliance to becoming a Registered Yoga Therapist at The White Lotus Foundation. She also has a Bachelor’s Degree from Cal State, Northridge in Liberal Studies. Robin believes that the true way to optimal health and happiness is through aromatherapy, yoga, love, laughter, and big, deep aromatic breaths.
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