A little girl was once given a handful of pennies by her mother, “Those are your pennies, be sure to watch after them.” was the only instruction she received.
All day long the little girl put down and picked up the pennies as she went through her day until she had laid them down at the playground to go play with her friends.
When she returned the pennies were gone. She was heartbroken and went crying to her mother that someone had taken her pennies. Her mother was angry with her for losing the pennies and while scolding her told her “You will always lose money!”
When the little girl grew up and went out into the world as an adult she struggled financially. There was always a good reason, unexpected expenses, sudden loss of work, bad relationships and other unforeseen obstacles. She believed in hard work and saving but it seemed no matter how hard she tried, she always lost money.
The incident with the pennies had been forgotten; it wasn’t until she was in a One Command session with one of our leaders, that she remembered it. She also recalled how hurt she had been by her mother, as a child she was not allowed to express her feelings and with The One Command process she was able to deal the shame and anger that she had locked away for so many years.
As an adult, she understood her mother was trying to teach her the value of money but instead the suggestion “Always lose money” was embedded because of the heighted emotional state and because children accept such statements without question. The young woman had accepted “Always lose money” and as a result anytime she had money it had to be lost.
I never got to hear “the rest of the story” but I do know that the program was identified and the young woman was able to forgive her mother and felt immediate relief and was able to understand how she had been losing money and living with a deep sense of shame because of an unconscious belief she had accepted when she was small. I do know that from work with my own clients that feeling peaceful and confident is a much better state of being to operate in, and to be free of an unconscious program frees one to make conscious choices and to learn from the results of those choices.
How do you think this one belief about money affected other areas of her life? If a person feels on some deep level they don’t feel safe or have no value or can’t be trusted, do you think that would affect their relationships? Of course it does, there’s no way it can’t.

We all have beliefs about money. The rich do, the poor do and everyone in between have beliefs about money. Most beliefs and programming operate below our conscious awareness so it is difficult to know the program or belief, we can only know the results of the belief.

What many people don’t realize is that the belief about money is not really about money, it’s about one’s place in the world, one’s worth and money is a symbol of relationship. This is the reason The Commanding Wealth Seminar was designed, to uncover the hidden beliefs and to transform them with The One Command process.
In addition to instilling new beliefs and programs, the seminar teaches skills and strategies to create wealth from one’s grater capacity.

Did this story stir a memory in you? What happened?
What did it keep you from having, being or doing?
What would you have liked to happen instead?

With your answer you can form a statement which in the process I work with
call the command.

Here’s a command I would suggest to the young woman at the start of this story;
I don’t know how I am responsible with money and get to keep the money I have,
I only know I do now and I am fulfilled.

I witness your mastery.

Author's Bio: 

Kathryn Perry is CEO of The One Command Seminars
She lives in Grapevine, TX. She presents The One Command programs and offers private consultations helping people clear their unconscious programs so they can live in alignment with their soul's purpose.