With so much information today about the health benefits of probiotics and prebiotics, it can get very confusing, especially as many of the claims are simply not true.

You normally hear about the health benefits of probiotics not prebiotics, with all the yogurts and drinks around.

However, this method of adding good bacteria to your gut is unproven and no one knows how much you need or which is the best type.

Most of the bacteria in probiotic yogurts are destroyed before they even reach your GI tract to have any beneficial effect, as they are lactic acid bacteria.

The advertized health benefits are a calmer stomach and an improved immune system as 80% of your immunity is based in your GI. However, there is no proof that these work.

The health benefits of prebiotics however are proven and documented, especially as these, unlike the probiotics, are naturally occurring in foods like raw onions, raw oats, artichokes and especially kiwifruit.

Rather than adding unknown amounts of bacteria, these encourage the natural growth of the good bacteria while at the same time inhibiting the growth of the bad ones, like e-coli.

They contain soluble fiber to keep your digestive tract healthy and enzymes to help break down the food more efficiently.

The health benefits include less bloating and more regular bowel movements, less constipation, less smelly gas, more energy, clearer skin, weight loss and the ability to absorb nutrients better from your food and other supplements.

By looking after your "core" you can have a positive effective on the rest of your present and future health, by laying a solid foundation and maintaining a strong immune system.

In the US, 100 million people have some kind of digestive problem and sixty million people, or 1 in 5, have acid reflux.

Indigestion and IBS affects about 15% of Westerners and over 2.5 million people in the United States visit a doctor for constipation.

You can avoid many of these conditions simply by consuming the right prebiotic foods or a single quality supplement each day.

The best ones are an extract of kiwifruit and contain the same amount as if you ate two fresh ones each day, including the skin as this is where much of the goodness is held.

Discover the purest and most effective prebiotic digestive supplements available today.

Ric Hawkins is a dedicated researcher of the amazing health benefits of natural supplements, including quality kiwifruit based prebiotics. Take a moment to visit his site now at http://optimal-digestion-health.com and discover the latest supplements he recommends after extensive research.

Author's Bio: 

Ric Hawkins is a dedicated researcher of the amazing health benefits of natural supplements, including quality kiwifruit based prebiotics. Take a moment to visit his site now at http://optimal-digestion-health.com and discover the latest supplements he recommends after extensive research.