Water purifiers are a mandatory appliance in households, but are they worth the investment in a commercial place too? Let’s figure out. You can run a successful business only if the company’s most crucial assets are well taken care of. For any organisation, employees are always its most important assets. If they are happy and healthy, then your business is bound to grow and prosper. If you have a small office, you can use a domestic water purifier, but if you have a large workforce it makes sense to get a commercial RO system installed. Here is how this investment is worth every penny.

Productivity Goes Up

Those employees who feel fit mentally and physically work to their true potential. There are studies that suggest that if an employee is not properly hydrated his or her performance potential drops by nearly 35%. Providing access to safe and pure drinking water will keep them well hydrated and they will work to the best of their potential.

Fewer Leaves

Nearly 35-40% of all the gastrointestinal illness is water-related. You will often find employees taking leaves due to their stomach being upset. These leaves can be minimised if they get clean drinking water. Also, if an employee is on leave for a day or two, his work would pile up and he would feel stressed to complete it. This again impacts his mental and physical well-being.

Saves Money

In the absence of a commercial water purifier, you would end up buying water bottles for your employees, which is a costly affair. The commercial RO system seems to be a huge investment initially, but in the long run, it would turn out to be a permanent and economical solution.

Contribution to Environment

By investing in a purifier, you would also do your bit towards your environment. The water bottles that you buy ultimately end up in landfills or water sources. Plastic, being harmful to the environment, pollutes both land and water. Installation of water purifier will help in reducing a huge amount of plastic waste.

Safe Water

With bottled water, you are never sure if it contains the right quality of water stored in required conditions. Sometimes the water can be stored in conditions wherein the chemicals from the bottle itself can get leached into the water contaminating it. Having a properly maintained water purifier in your premises will ensure that the water available for consumption is safe.

If you are running a business, it is your foremost duty to pay attention to the wellness of your employees. It’s the key to running a successful business. You might be taking a variety of other initiatives like giving gym memberships, organising flu shots and annual check-up for your employees to keep them healthy and happy. Installing a commercial RO system is one of the simplest and most effective ways of boosting their health. You might not realise it but investing in a commercial water purifier is worth every penny.

Author's Bio: 

Rasel Khan is an internet entrepreneur