Hey Folks - most of my article content consists of my Real Estate experience... I am also a very spiritual and grounded being.

A good friend of mine from high school (20 years ago) that I reconnected with recently is in a relationship with a man that is about to have a cancerous tumor removed from his brain. Actually, this week the surgery is happening.

She contacted me tonight, worried and asking for my support and prayers. This inspired me to write this article.

There are so many directions I can take this topic and so many personal experiences I have with it... "Appreciation" is a very powerful concept!

You have to "pray" for your loved ones & yourself! You have to stop the worry, it only breeds negative that attracts not only to your thoughts but your body as well! This is an open invitation to disease. "Energy goes where energy flows".

If you can change your thought process.... Example; everything is fine, I am happy, I appreciate everything I have! I know, easier said than done! You absolutely have to get to a place where you believe this and it is called "faith".

I promise, change how you think about it! If you can change how you think about it and "it" can and will work with anything!

"Appreciation" is more power than you think! Say a simple "thank you" and mean it! You will be amazed on how the events in your life turn! You do not have to believe in GOD to do this...Believe in Buddha, yourself, the universe, your love or just take a moment to be thankful for the wonderful things in your life. Appreciate "it"!

Easy things that we don't appreciate daily... Green grass, air to breath or a smile on a strangers face!

When you awake in the morning before you start your busy day, STOP wake up gradually, stretch, take a few deep breaths, "Appreciate" it; simple things such as, "thank you" for waking me up one more day, "thank you" for the use of my body, breath, sight, smell and ability to acknowledge what I should be thankful for!

Try it, "Appreciation" and watch the miracles in your life unfold! Smile and say "HI" to a stranger also :)

Author's Bio: 

Ms. O’Toole has an extensive 20 year career in many aspects of real estate. She has been a property manager, loan originator, real estate broker, investor, and wholesaler. Please contact Kate for more advice or to comment on the article, would love your feedback and discussion.