Anxiety Symptoms in Children and The Neural Pathways in A Child's Brain..

Today many professionals liken the 'neural pathways' in the brain to "express lanes" on freeways - meaning that when the brain teaches us (as children) to use the "express lane", then the brain doesn't have to make a decision every time the child is confronted with an everyday, repetitive task (like cleaning his/her teeth).

Remember when you taught your child to tie shoe laces, remember how hard they had to concentrate? And when you taught your child to ride a bicycle, remember how awkward and unsteady they were until they found their balance? And then, one day they were able to tie their laces without too much thought, and the same with riding the bicycle, one day they just jumped on the bike and peddled off without a care.

Tricks Anxiety Plays in The Brain..

You may find this hard to believe, but this is how anxiety develops in children. With the brain's 'neural pathways' in mind, compare the tying of shoe laces with touching a HOT STOVE!

Imagine what happens when a child (let's call her Sarah) touches a hot stove. The pain is instant! Intense! Young Sarah screams in terror! Immediately she knows she never wants to experience that pain again! In that instant the brain lays down an innumerable amount of neural pathways. Now it's many years later, Sarah is an adult, she accidently touches a COLD STOVE! In an instant, again she pulls her hand away without a thought!

The 'cold stove' is a good example of how anxiety in children develops - at some time in the past a child does something, or goes somewhere, and (for whatever reason, often without the parent's knowledge) they are instilled with an intense and memorable fear!

Next time, about to do the same thing or go to the same place, automatically the same intense fear courses through the child's body. Why? Because that first experience (think touching hot stove) accidently taught the child that danger lurks!

Transform Your Child's Life!

Making sense of the anxiety symptoms children exhibit has never been easy. The tricks anxiety plays in the brain are so powerful they can disrupt a child's life! And anxiety is persistent! Even though the fear anxiety conjours up may seem illogical, which it usually is, because the neural pathways sparking the anxiety are created far more rapidly than a child can tie shoe laces, it can intensify in a child's brain in an instant .

There is good news!

Once the anxiety symptoms in children are recognized, resources are available to cure the disorder. For parents who want to learn more about a natural anxiety cure that will, within weeks, without having to resort to medication or expensive analysis, FREE their child to experience the happiness and self confidence they deserve, visit

Author's Bio: 

Following is a brief background bio:

After suffering anxiety and panic attacks throughout my teens and well into my twenties, I was living in New York making my living as a television actor when, for the first time, I was cast (in the lead role) in a major theatrical stage production. Up until then I'd been self-medicating when the pressures became too much, using alcohol and prescription drugs to alleviate my insecurities, but having to go on stage in front of a live audience every night? That was when I knew it was time to face the facts: I had a serious anxiety disorder and needed to find an immediate cure. After talking to several medical professionals (who's immediate response was to prescribe medication), and talking to quite a few people suffering from the same disorder, I was surprised to find out just how widespread my condition was.

Now able to put a name the disorder, I got by for the first few years using the medication prescribed by, what I thought were, medical professionals, but over time the side effects of the medication became too much, mainly by lowering my spontaneity to life. More determined than ever, I continued on with my research until finally I did find an anxiety program - a natural anxiety program that, within weeks, freed me to live my life without all the fears and insecurities I'd been carrying with me since early childhood. Knowing how disruptive anxiety and panic attacks can be, in the hope it will enable parents to help free their children from their debilitating disorder, I decided to create a website dealing exclusively with the understanding of anxiety symptoms in young children and teenagers.. Philip D English..