Copyright 2010 - Rick Gettle
Excerpt Article From: Succes Academy "Successercising - Successful Living Course Series" - Course #12
A Russian Once Said – “Americans Are People Who Buy Things They Don’t Need – With Money They Don’t Have – To Impress People They Don’t Like.”
A Fool And His Gold Are Soon Parted. At Age 65 And Over, 97% Are Broke And Falling Behind.
Money Is The Harvest Of Your Production In Life – What You Get Out Of Life Will Be Based On What You Put In. As You Sow – So Shall You Reap.
The Amount Of Money You Will Earn In Your Lifetime Will Always Be In Exact Ratio To Three Things:
1. The Demand For What You Do.
2. Your Ability To Do What You Do.
3. And The Difficulty In Replacing You.
Is there such a demand for what you do that people stand in long lines to see you and watch you perform – or to buy what you make or sell? Are they willing to pay top dollar for your services?
How good are you at what you do? Are you one of the very best at it? Are you an expert? One of the top 5%? Or, Can You Do Better?
Are you irreplaceable – People won’t deal with, do business with, or talk to anyone but you?
An elevator operator is no longer in demand. The automatic elevator replaced them long ago. A brain surgeon is irreplaceable.
If you can answer yes to all three questions, you are either currently earning top dollar or soon will be.
If your answer was no to all three questions then it’s time to create a new direction.
The $64,000 Question -- How Do You Become Irreplaceable?
Today Is The Day Of The Expert – The Specialist. Don’t Be A “Jack-Of-All-Trades” And Master Of None. As A General Rule – The Most Successful People In Life Are The People Who Have The Best And The Most Information.
The Secret Of Business Success – Is To Know Something That Nobody Knows. To Succeed In Business – To Reach The Top – An Individual Must Know All That Is Possible To Know About That Business.
The Accumulation Of Great Fortunes Calls For Power – And Power Is Acquired Through Highly Organized And Intelligently Directed “Specialized Knowledge.”
The Richest City In The World
Babylon Became The Wealthiest City Of The Ancient World Because Its Citizens Were The Richest People Of Their Time. They Appreciated The Value Of Money. They Practiced Sound Financial Principles In Acquiring Money, Keeping Money, And Making Their Money Earn More Money. They Provided For Themselves What We All Desire… Income For The Future.
Here Are Some Of The Rules They Lived By
A Lean Purse Is Easier To Cure – Than To Endure…You Can Start Out Broke Today, But With A Good Idea, Backed By A Good Game Plan, A Burning Desire, A Willingness To Work Hard And Go The Extra Mile, And Determination And Persistence, You Can Become A Happy Millionaire Within The Next Five Years Or Less.
To Bring Your Ambitions And Desires To Fulfillment You Must Be Successful With Money… Money Can Make Things Happen A Lot Easier And A Lot Faster, And The Funny Thing Is – You Can’t Make Money Without Having It. It Takes Money To Make Money.
That’s Why You Need To Study “The Richest Man In Babylon,” The Book That Teaches You How To Stay Out Of Debt And How To Make Your Money Grow Until The Day Comes When You Don’t Work For Money Anymore. Instead, Your Money Works For You.
Our Prosperity As A Nation – Depends Upon The Personal Financial Prosperity Of Each Of Us As Individuals… Everyone needs to master the art of managing his or her money cautiously, wisely and successfully. This is a lot harder than making money. The world is filled with people who had great amounts of money in their lifetime, but at age 65 and over most people end up broke and living very poorly. Many of them are even ex-millionaires.
Money – Is The Medium By Which Earthly Success Is Measured… Mozart Died In Poverty And Was Buried In A Hole In The Ground In A Cemetery For The Poor, Even Though He Was One Of The Most Famous Composers In The World. And Yet, Many Other People From His Hometown, Who Were Hardly Known By Others, Died Very Wealthy - Because They Managed Their Money Wisely And Cautiously.
Money Makes Possible The Enjoyment Of The Best The Earth Affords… A Beautiful Home, A Nice Car, Money To Travel, Money To Buy The Finer Things In Life, Money To Retire In Comfort And Style, And Money To Help Your Family Members Fulfill Their Dreams In Life.
Wealth Is A Power… Managed wisely it will keep growing. When you are wealthy you can do just about anything you want in life – go anywhere you want – buy just about anything you want – help others live a better life – use as collateral to raise even more money – change and improve things. Study the lives of real wealthy people and see how many great things they are involved in.
Money Is Plentiful For Those Who Understand The Simple Laws Which Govern Its Acquisition
Money Is Governed Today By The Same Laws Which Controlled It When Prosperous People Thronged The Streets Of Babylon Over Six Thousand Years Ago.
People Who Owed Money In Those Days Were Taken Into Slavery By Those They Owed Money To Until They Paid Off Their Debts.
In The Book, “The Richest Man In Babylon,” The Story Opens With Bansir (The Chariot Builder) Sitting On The Fence And His Best Friend Kobbi Comes Along To Say Hello. “What Are You Thinking About?” Kobbi Asks, “Income – That Is The Thing! Said Bansir, “I Wish An Income That Will Keep Flowing Into My Purse Whether I Sit Upon The Fence Or Travel To Far Lands.”
To Make That A Reality You Must Understand That A Part Of All You Earn Is Yours To Keep. Wealth – Like A Tree Grows From A Tiny Seed. The First Dollar You Save Is The Seed From Which Your Tree Of Wealth Shall Grow – The Sooner You Plant That Seed – The Sooner Shall The Tree Grow. And The More Faithfully You Nourish And Water That Tree With Consistent Savings, The Sooner May You Sit In Contentment Beneath Its Shade.
Remember - Accidents And Illness Wipe People Out Every Day.
Thou Shalt Look To No Other Source But God For Thy Supply – You Didn’t Make The Universe. The One Who Did Is Your Greatest And Most Powerful Source For You To Tap Into.
Thou Shalt Make No Mental Images Of Lack – Be Positive – Think Prosperity – What You See Is What You Will Get. Don’t See What You Already See, Unless It Is Something Good. If It Isn’t, Then Put Something You Want To Have On The Screen Of Your Mind – See Yourself Already Having What You Really Want.
Thou Shalt Not Speak The Word Of Lack Or Limitation – That Which You Say – Is That Which You Will Manifest. That’s The Science Of The Spoken Word. Don’t use the words – “I don’t have time” – “I can’t” – “I will never get ahead” – “I’ll never make it,” Because That Is Exactly What You Will Manifest.
Thou Shalt Let Go And Let God Do It – Do All That You Can Do First – Then The Great Force Of Infinite Intelligence Will Do The Rest. It’s Called The Law Of Harmonious Attraction.
Thou Shalt Deal Honorably With God And With All Human Instruments Through Whom God’s Good Is Manifested For You – Do The Right Thing – Be Truthful, Honorable, And Trustworthy – What Goes Out Comes Around.
Thou Shalt Not Take Thy Wealth Out Of Circulation – Don’t Hide Your Wealth In Fear Of Losing It – That Which You Fear, Will Come To You - Use It, Circulate It Where It Can Do Good For Others As Well As You. Put Your Money To Work Out There Where It Can Do Great Things. Great Things Grow And Continue To Strive.
Thou Shalt Not Abase Thy Wealth To Idle Or Evil Uses – No Cigarettes And Whisky And Wild, Wild Women – Don’t Waste It On Drugs And Stupid Things – Don’t Give It To Fools – A Fool And His Gold Are Soon Parted - Put It To Wise Use. Put Wise People In Charge Of Your Money.
Thou Shalt Not Seek Something For Nothing – There’s No Free Lunch – You Get, And Appreciate What You Pay For. Be Willing To The Pay The Price.
Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against The Source Of Thy Wealth – Give Credit Where Credit Is Due. If You Are Lucky And Blessed, Someone Had To Help You Along The Way. Be Humble And Grateful To Those Who Helped Make It Possible For You.
Thou Shalt Not Limit Thyself By Coveting That Which Is Another’s; Thou Shalt Claim Thine Own – This Is Simple Enough To Figure Out.
Nature’s Table Is Always Full
As Your Intelligence Increases - And Your Capacity To Understand The Laws Of Nature And The Universe Grows - You Will Gradually Be Set Free From Limitation And Bondage. The Truth Shall Set You Free. “It Is Done Unto You As You Believe.” (Jesus) Our Belief Sets The Limitation To Our Demonstration And Manifestation.
What’s The Difference Between A Person Who Earns $30,000 Per Year, And A Person Who Earns $150,000 Per Year?
The Person Who Earns $150,000 Per Year Thinks Five Times Bigger!
Don’t Bargain In Life For A Penny.
It’s Ok To Get Rich
Or Is It Ok? Apparently, there are many people in the world who think that it is not ok.
They quote from the Bible. They say that, in the Bible, it says, “Money Is The Root Of All Evil.”
They also quote a part that says, “It will be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into Heaven.”
The truth of the matter is that the Bible did not say that. In the Bible, it said, “The love of money is the root of all evil.”
Do you think that Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, or Walt Disney, who were all super rich when they died, went knocking at the gates of Heaven, and were turned away by the guard at the gate who hollered at them, “Go away! Get out of here! You will never be allowed in Heaven because you are rich! You Bums!
Every day, somewhere in the world, you read about The Carnegie Institute or The Carnegie Foundation. They give away millions to worthy people and causes. Andrew Carnegie also donated thousands of libraries to American cities. That was the beginning of our free library system.
Henry Ford set up The Ford Foundation that, so far, has given away over five billion dollars in grant money for noble causes.
Walt Disney left his friends and creations behind to fill our hearts with many happy and tender moments. Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and so many more lovable characters. You see, they weren’t standing at the gates of Heaven with large sacks of money. In fact, their pockets were empty. They left their money behind to do some great and kind things for others.
Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft has given billions away to fund worthy charities and causes throughout the world.
Money Is Not The Root Of All Evil.
Money Is A Fine Home, A College Education For Your Kids, A Chance To Visit Other Parts Of The World, Security In Your Senior Years, Money To Learn A Trade, Pursue A Hobby, Eat Quality Food, A Vacation To Get Away For A Little R & R, A Chance To Help The Less Fortunate, And A Hundred Other Good Things.
40,000 Human Beings Around The World Die Every Day From Starvation - Are We Running Out Of Food? Food Rots On The Trees And On The Ground - We Throw Away Enough Food From Our Plates To Feed All Of The Hungry People Of The World. Also, There Is Enough Land In The World To Grow More Food.
Take Away All Of The Greedy And Bad People In The World Who Take From The Poor And Helpless And That Would Probably Solve Most Of The Hunger Problems.
The Accumulation Of Money Cannot Be Left To Chance, Good Fortune, And Luck, Like Wining The Lotto.
The Definition Of Luck: Luck Is When Opportunity Meets Preparedness!
You Can Never Have Riches In Great Quantity Unless You Can Work Yourself Into A “White Heat” Of Desire For Money And Actually Believe You Will Possess It. If The Thing You Wish To Do Is “Right” And You Believe In It, Go Ahead And Do It.
“Success Is The Development Of Your Powers To Get Whatever You Want From Life - Without Violating The Rights Of Others In Any Way”…Napoleon Hill (Author Of “Law Of Success” And “Think And Grow Rich.”
The World Today Is Filled With An Abundance Of Opportunities Which The Dreamers Of The Past Never Knew.
No One Is Ready For A Thing Unless He Or She Believes That They Can Acquire It.
There Are No Limitations To The Mind – Except Those We Acknowledge.
Emerson Wrote: There Is Nothing Capricious In Nature And The Implanting Of A Desire Indicates That The Gratification Is Already In The Constitution Of The Creature That Feels It. In Other Words, You Would Not Have The Desire Unless You Were Capable Of Its Achievement. Each Of Us Has A “Built-In” Governor And Our Desires Are Modified By Our Abilities And Circumstances.
You Are The Master Of Your Fate And The Captain Of Your Soul. Our Brain Becomes Magnetized With The Dominating Thoughts, Which We Hold In Our Mind – Good Or Bad – Positive Or Negative. These Magnets Attract To Us The Forces – The People – And The Circumstances Of Life Which Harmonize With The Nature Of Our Dominating Thoughts – That’s The Law Of Harmonious Attraction. WOULD YOU LIKE TO BECOME A MILLIONAIRE?
How Many Millionaires Do You Think There Are In America?
According to: NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - The number of millionaires in America reached record highs in 2004, hitting 7.5 million, according to a new survey. That represented a gain of 21 percent, the largest jump in the number of U.S. millionaires since 1998, according to the survey by the Spectrum Group, a Chicago-based research firm.
There were 298,444,215 people in the United States – as of July 2006
298,444,215 People in America
-7,500,000 Millionaires in America
290,944,215 Balance
-40,000,000 Who believe they are too old – and are not trying anymore?
250,944,215 Balance
-50,000,000 Are too young – still playing with their toys
200,944,215 Balance
-50,000,000 Are too busy watching television – couch potatoes?
150,944,215 Balance
-25,000,000 Are filled with all kinds of doubts, fears, and worries. Afraid
to take a chance
125,944,215 Balance
-25,000,000 Mediocre people, they only do what they have to do - nothing more.
100,944,215 Balance
-40,944,215 People below the poverty level – poor education – low
60,000,000 Balance
-55,000,000 Players - fly now/pay later - party time/happy hour - busy having
5,000,000 Balance of people left that are seriously trying to obtain financial
If you set a goal to do all of the things it takes to become a millionaire, your odds to become a millionaire are roughly 1 out of 42 people – Can you be that I out of 42 people? With all the great opportunities in life look how many are really going for the gold. The odds are on their side to win. Which category do you fall in?
J. Paul Getty's Rules for Accumulating Wealth
The late J. Paul Getty's rules for accumulating wealth are simple and to the point. In fact, it is so simple that most people who read them either dismiss them as sweeping generalities or falsely believe they have known and used them most of their lives... but these people are probably not rich. So while these guidelines may lack romance or an obvious direction, be assured that they are the genuine article. Apply them as soon and as often as you can, and apply them with intelligence and creativity.
Rule No. 1: To acquire wealth today, you must be in your own business. You may think that the corporate executive with a $100,000 salary is better off than the small shop owner, but the executive will be hard-pressed to double his income and taxes will eat up most of any increase.
Rule No. 2: You must have a working knowledge of the business when you start and continue to increase your knowledge of it as you go along. If you don't know what you're doing when you start, your mistakes will be costly and often unnecessary, and you won't be able to keep up with the technological explosions in any field. Start smart and stay that way.
Rule No. 3: You must save money in your personal life and in your business venture as well. Discipline is the key to saving money. You must develop the will power to deny yourself immediate gratification or the temptation to gamble on the quick buck. Resources will be needed for expansion and should be guarded carefully.
Rule No. 4: You must take risks, both with your own money or with borrowed money. Risk-taking is essential to business growth. Nelson Bunker Hunt is admired for his guts in trying to corner the silver market, not scorned for losing money on this deal. Some of the richest men have staked their entire fortunes and lost, several times over, before the risk-taking paid off. Back those risks with
good judgment, experience, commitment, and the right support. Seek advice on risks from the wealthy who still take risks, not friends who dare nothing more than a football bet.
Rule No. 5: You must not only learn to live with tension, you must seek it out. Thrive on stress! If it means getting physically fit, or losing 50 pounds before you can handle it, do it. Once you can learn to thrive on stress, you will not only enjoy it, you will seek it out willingly and enthusiastically and wonder how you could live any other way. Men of means look at making money as a game which they love to play. Consider it serious business and you will suffer far more stress than you need or want. Keep your perspective or your stress-level will rocket beyond your control.
Rule No. 6: Build wealth as a by-product of your business success. If wealth is your only object in business, you will probably fail. Wealth is only a benefit of the game. If you win, the money will be there. If you lose, and you will from time to time if you play long and hard enough, it must have been fun or it was not worth it.
Rule No. 7: Patience. This is the greatest business asset. Wait for the right time to make your moves. Let your business grow naturally, not by pressing your luck.
Rules No. 8: Diversify at the top. Once you've made it, you'll understand that any business is limited in the challenges it offers. You'll want and need other games to play, so you'll look for other ventures to hold your interest.
All About Money
Make A List Of The Most Important Ideas You Got About Money And Getting Rich
Write Down Your Money Goals For The Next Five Years And How You Plan On Achieving Them
List Your Top 10 Money Priorities In The Order Of Their Importance
A Survey Was Taken From The Top 500 Richest People In America
What Were The Greatest Factors Responsible For Your Becoming Rich?
Here Were The Five Things That Came Up The Most:
Hard Work – Courage – Willing To Take Risks – Focus - Faith
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Rick Gettle - Success Achievement Consultant/Publisher/Author/Speaker/Trainer/Coach - Since 1970
The Master Mind Alliance Success Clubs International ® 1970
www.master-mind-alliance.com RickGettleWorkshops@msn.com
Contact Us At RickGettleWorkshops@msn.com For A Free:
(Successercising – Digital PDF Courses Series – Course #1)
“Maximizing Your Greatest Powers & Potential”
“The Science Of Success Achievement Course” © 1970-2010
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#1 out of 2,000,000 Google listings on “Success Achievement Books
#1 out of 40,000,000 Google listings on “Success Clubs”
Author's Bio
Rick Gettle Bio:
Philosopher, publisher, author, success achievement teacher, speaker, trainer, human resources development consultant, and personal coach to individuals, including managers and owners of many mainstream businesses.
A native of San Francisco and local businessman based in the San Francisco Bay Area Rick has been in the “people building” business since 1958.
He has been teaching “The Science of Success Achievement Course” since 1970 and has been a guest speaker for many organizations, service clubs, and conventions - a guest on many radio and TV shows and has written numerous articles on “Success Achievement Principles.” Rick’s Successercising – “Successful Living” Course Series include the following titles:
The Science Of Success Achievement Course.
Developing Your Personality, Presence, Magnetism, And Relationship Skills - Course.
Overcoming Problems, Adversities And Discouragement - Course.
Balancing Your Wheel Of Life For “Total” Success – Course
Acting As If – You Already Are - Course.
Finding, Pursuing, And Fulfilling Your Destiny In Life - Course.
Building Your Creativity, Imagination, And Your Idea Manufacturing Factory - Course.
Enjoying Life’s Greatest Riches - Course.
Applied Faith And Perseverance - Course.
Building True Leadership Qualities - Course.
Self-Control, Discipline, And Self-Mastery - Course.
Teaching: Rick has been teaching “The Science Of Success Achievement Course” full time since 1970 to many mainstream companies and also teaches it three times per week in Teleclasses. He was also commissioned by The “Napoleon Hill Academy” in the early 70’s to teach Napoleon Hill’s world famous course, “The Science Of Personal Achievement” course.” He has been creating, marketing and conducting customized workshops that have tremendously improved and increased the performance, productivity and spirit of individuals and companies, large and small, including, Coldwell Banker, Prudential California, and Century 21 Real Estate Companies, AT&T, New York Life, Metropolitan, and Farmers Insurance Companies, Shearson Leman, Amway, Mary Kay Cosmetics, and Herbalife,
Speaking: He has been giving a minimum of two talks per week for over 35 years to many major companies, had his own radio show titled, “Masterminding For Greater Success With Rick Gettle,” has been interviewed on several radio and television shows, and has been conducting weekly Teleseminars on success achievement.
Writing: Authored several books and articles on “Success Achievement.” Had a column, “Napoleon Hill’s Success Principles” in a major international magazine for five years. Has many articles being used by hundreds of online newsletters, has been publishing his own newsletter, “Successercising” for over five years
1 Out Of 2,000,000 Google Listings On “Success Achievement Books”
Rick’s talks, workshops, courses, articles, and books stimulate positive action in people who are ready to turn their dreams into realities. He brings forth the needed motivation, ideas, plans and success formula that have been responsible for a vast number of individuals defining and achieving their goals.
Rick spent three years in the Army Air Corp and another three years in the United States Merchant Marines and then from 1954 until 1960 he spent his time in professional selling, sales training and sales management.
From 1961 until 1970, he was in advertising, promotion and marketing.
In 1970, Rick represented Nightingale/Conant Corp (Earl Nightingale’s Company. Earl was heard daily on over 1,000 Radio Stations), The Napoleon Hill Academy and Success Unlimited magazine. He created, marketed and conducted Success Achievement workshops and courses.
In 1980, he started expanding his Master Mind Alliance Success Clubs International throughout the world.
In 2000, he retired to write motivational articles, books, screenplays, songs, and children’s books.
At the beginning of 2003, he decided to go back into the motivation business and put it all on the Internet.
Rick’s Comments
In 1954, I started reading all of Napoleon Hill’s books and since then read each one over thirty-five times (I stopped counting): Law of Success, Think and Grow Rich, The Master Key to Riches, Grow Rich With Peace of Mind, Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, You Can Work Your Own Miracles and Succeed and Grow Rich Through Persuasion.
In 1970, I bought a distributorship to market Napoleon Hill’s “Philosophy of Success” program and started teaching his Success Course. I created The Master Mind Alliance Success Club to help my students follow through and put the principles into practice. In addition to teaching the course in hotels, meeting rooms and in-house in many large and small corporations, I also taught the course in San Quentin Prison and at the Delancy Street Foundation for ex-cons, pimps, prostitutes, drug and alcohol addicts.
In 1974, I received a phone call from a Mr. John Haid who was the president of the Napoleon Hill Academy. He said that he heard quite a bit about my classes and me and that he wanted to fly out to San Francisco to meet with me. When we got together, he told me he was going to set up a Napoleon Hill Academy Franchise in Northern California and wanted to find the most qualified person to run it. He was here for about a week and interviewed several eager people who wanted that privilege. Many of them were very successful and had lots of money to gladly pay for the franchise. After several meetings with each one of us, John decided that I was the most knowledgeable on Napoleon Hill’s Success principles and gave the franchise to me. I am still sharing these principles in my Science of Success Achievement Course that my students are studying today.
Rick Gettle - Success Achievement Consultant/Publisher/Author/Speaker/Trainer - Since 1970
#1 out of 2,000,000 On Google Listings For “Success Achievement Books”
#1 out of 1,700,000 On Google Listings For “Success Achievement Courses”
#1 out of 40,000,000 On Google Listings For “Success Clubs”
For Info On Rick Gettle Course – Go To www.SelfGrowth.com - Then To Event Calendar – Then Look For: Rick Gettle – Six-Week “The Science Of Success Achievement Course” RickGettleWorkshops@msn.com - www.master-mind-alliance.com
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