Have you paid attention to the energy of things around you? Have you ever wondered what is behind the vibration that something in the universe carries? Have you ever thought to yourself, “How can I align to that frequency”?

It is no secret that everything in the universe operates by frequencies. A sort of wave of energy you might say. Often times there is an attunement to one or more number codes. I would say multiple number codes since there are multiple systems or ways of looking at codes that explain frequencies.

Now take a moment and imagine if by quantum type principles and connecting with a certain frequency you could shift thoughts, feelings, emotions, and physical aspects within yourself. Imagine if you will, being able to work with the vibration of the heart; saying a series of numbers and then being able to be infused with the energy of a plant, or crystal. This is really a whole new realm of healing and yet based on some foundational aspects that we have had for quite some time. Yes, I am saying that you can actually align with something and receive it’s benefits without even holding or ingesting it.

When we think of it, Reiki or Quantum Healing works in a similar fashion. This principle of infusing the body through mind and vibration is often times the foundational concept behind Breatharian living. With the raising of consciousness; more and more of our functioning in the world is shifting to consciously using vibrational energy with a variety of things in our life.

Anahata is one person that works strongly with codes and frequencies; providing people with limitless possibilities for removing their challenges, healing on multiple levels, and raising their own vibrational energy field. Her work is heart centered, simple, and easy to implement at any point within one’s day within a matter of a minute or two. She has learned that we can use the codes of somethings frequency - plant, gemstone, animal, etc to create a shift or healing in our own vibrational field.

While I have a different way of working with code energy; I am always interested in exploring vibrational aspects. It is something that I see will be rapidly growing; because the more the physical world is brought to distortions and destroyed through greed and judgments, we will have to find ways to implement “pure” options. In times where we find tainted air, water, earth, and heavy chemicals; then it is pure source energy that will be what will allow a healthier life.

I realize that there will be those that don’t believe that energy can really take care of our bodies or sustain us; and that is ok. In my explorations and studies, I have learned that all is simply energy. I also know the power of the mind. While the physical world is full of illusions; vibrational energy is not. It holds a consistent pattern or flow. It is not swayed by the happenings of the world. It is what it is, and until it’s codes change it shines brilliantly in it’s energy vibration.

What vibrations have you experienced along the way? Have you ever tuned into a frequency, and then found yourself aligning with it? Have you ever held the thought of something and allowed the energy of that thought to truly flow through you - like thinking of the energy of a rose, or crystal?

Jesse Ann Nichols George

Code Interpretor

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Don’t forget to catch me on my radio show - Code Connection - part of the Main Street Universe Group on BlogTalk Radio.

Airs Friday at:
4:30pm - 6:30pm EST, 3:30pm - 5:30pm CST, 2:30pm - 4:30pm MST, 1:30pm - 3:30pm PST


The show will also be in the archives at this same link if you miss the live show

Author's Bio: 

Jesse Ann Nichols George is the author of 4 books, which are founded on the principles of compassion, and how to use it to bring joy to all areas of life; as well as to open to living your passion and manifesting a life of joy and fulfillment. In addition she is a collaborator and International Best Selling Author on “Embraced by the Divine: The Emerging Woman’s Gateway To Power, Passion, and Purpose”. She created of The Genesis Clearing Statement and The Compassion Tour. Jesse is a Code Interpretor with over 33 years of experience working with clients and assisting others with their life processes and helping them to work with their best influences and to strongly connect with Divine Flow. She is a 13th+ generation spiritual healer, energy tuner, life/relationship/spiritual and wellness coach, holistic and natural lifestyle advisor. She is also a 13th+ generation Druidic practitioner; honoring and appreciating the harmony of all things. Her work encompasses practices from Eastern and Western philosophies. Jesse is a speaker and also hosts her own radio show. You can learn more about the work that she is doing at www.jesseannnicholsgeorge1.com