Spring is almost here, the flowers are in bloom and everything around us is beautiful. Makes you feel great except if you have allergies. Airborne allergies can make you feel pretty miserable. It can keep you from hiking in the woods and enjoying nature.
Allergies are generally thought to be a malfunction of the immune system. The body reacts to a substance which is normally harmless to the majority of the population. According to my clinical experience, I have found this to be only half true. Airborne allergies are usually associated with emotional armor. Armor is an energy block due to an unexpressed emotion. The armor that causes airborne allergies is usually found in the lungs or the thymus gland. The armor then weakens the immune system by denying proper blood flow to the area and then often soon after the onset of allergic symptoms begin.
I have a test kit which contains vials of various allergens in it. By using muscle testing or applied kinesiology we can quickly identify the offending allergen. Next we find out where the emotional block is located in the body and what emotional event caused it.
I had a patient named Jane who had an allergy to pine trees. There are a lot of pine trees in Monterey where she lives. When the pine trees pollinate, it leaves a coat of yellow pollen over everyone’s car. It gets everywhere and is in the air constantly. This caused her to have a runny nose, sneezing, swelling and puffiness. It was pretty scary for her. I tested Jane and found emotional armoring in the right lung. Next we found the armor was due to unexpressed sadness within the last ten years. I asked her if she could remember anything in the last ten years that made her sad. She told me she had a boyfriend that she was madly in love with and he died. The loss made her incredibly sad and full of grief. During the treatment I asked Jane to think of the sadness about the loss of her boyfriend. I retested her and the pine allergy was gone. Her chest pain was reduced and she felt like she was glowing. She was amazed. The whole process took about 10 minutes.
You might ask "When should I opt for drugs or surgery and when should I try chiropractic?" When it comes to health problems there are always two options drugs and surgery (the allopathic medical model) or chiropractic, massage or nutrition-the holistic natural model. Common sense would tell you to try the least invasive, safest procedure first and the riskiest, more possible side effects option second.
I’ve developed and used the Allergy Correction Technique for several years now. It has allowed me to help my patients to achieve a better life without the use of prescription drugs. If you think that you may be suffering from food allergies please call me for a free consultation at 510-558-0164 or e-mail me at drrettner@sbcglobal.net I would love a chance to relieve your symptoms and help you to achieve a happier, healthier life style. Thank you.
Dr. Raphael Rettner is a Palmer College of Chiropractic West graduate and has been in practice since 1982. Dr. Rettner is one of the most highly skilled and respected chiropractors in the United States. He has made numerous radio and T.V. appearances, is the author of Vegetarian Cooking for People with Allergies and has produced several DVDs including: End P.M.S Now!, The Ultimate Diet, and Twelve Causes of an Unstable Spine. He has studied both force and non-force techniques such as Advanced Biostructural Correction, Applied Kinesiology, Biophysics, Gonstead, S.O.T. and over a dozen others. With a combination of creative thinking and an insatiable quest for knowledge, Dr. Rettner has developed several new and exciting chiropractic techniques. Since 1994 he has taught these in his Applied Trigger Points seminar to chiropractors all across the United States, Australia, Canada and England.
You can reach Raphael at drrettner@sbcglobal.net
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