Business Strategy success is dependent upon your Compass of Life TM choices and how effective you are at navigating between the points of the Compass of Life TM.

Everyone has this issue known as the balance of life between work and the rest of life. Where we choose to spend our time. Where we choose not to spend our time. How we explain these choices to others or to ourselves are basically excuses.

The most successful people have a presence in each point of the Compass of Life TM. In creating their business strategy they incorporate each area and prioritize by scheduling the time into their calendar. It is that important and critical to their overall business success and life balance.

Review each of these areas from the Compass of Life TM below and determine how you might conduct your behavior such that you incorporate some of each area into your month, your week, your day. How might you adjust your business strategy to bring you more life balance?

Feel free to adjust the name or title of an area to suit you. The names written here are judged to be the most critical for a well rounded life. However, everyone on this planet is unique so go ahead and adjust a name or two if needed.

Here is a brief description of each area from the Compass of Life TM.

Career – Your career, or your business, is where most of us spend the bulk of our time. To be really successful and engaged we must break out of this pattern and engage in other areas in order to lead meaningful lives.

Family – Married, with children, or single with parents or a brother or a sister, we all have someone we call family. Are you engaging with them? Do you really interact with them? Life is about creating your bonds with your family and being yourself, letting you be you.

Financial – Everyone should have a plan for their finances. Size does not matter. It is the continual practice and paying attention here that makes all the difference in the world. If this is not your strong suit hire a trusted advisor to assist you.

Health – Are you eating right and practicing some type of physical activity? How is your energy level? This is one of the most critical areas which is often ignored until something goes wrong. Create a healthy diet and eating habits and put together a plan to workout and have some physical activity.

Mindset – Do you have a great outlook and people are happy to be around you? Or are you someone who often finds fault and complains? Where do you spend most of your the camp of the positive energy or in the camp of the negative energy? Who would you want to spend more time with?

Personal Development – Everyone should spend the time, effort and investment in their continual learning and developing themselves. You may choose a specific area such as acting or public speaking, for example. The mind needs to be nourished and this is where that takes place.

Social – We are social people at heart. We need to be around others, have friends and interact. The couch and the remote are not your social life. Create the time and devote the energy to having a social life.

Spiritual – Are you a spiritual person? Do you volunteer to create a better community? You may be a member in an organized religion. This should be a planned activity and you should create the time and effort to take part in whatever your spiritual activity might be.

The summary of each category is meant to briefly engage you into the importance of living a well rounded life. If you take the time to create a strategy and a plan to participate in the areas of your choice these will most likely become reality for you.

© 2011 Mitch Tublin All Rights Reserved

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Mitch Tublin is a sought after public speaker on such topics as the mindset for success and the importance of planning and goal setting in business and in life to achieve your dreams. Are you are looking for a unique speaker for your group, event, team or company? Learn more about Mitch at